38 Western RoadA40 Risinghurst TurnA64 EastboundA64 WestboundAagrar RestaurantAbbey DriveAbbeyhillAbbeyhills RoadAbbotsford PlaceAbbotsford RoadAbercromby PlaceAberley FoldAbernethy StreetAbraham Moss Centre (Stop A)Abraham Moss Centre (Stop B)Acacia RoadAckton CloseAckton Hall Crescent Warren DriveAckton Lane Waldenhowe CloseAckton Ln Fairfax AvenueAckworth Road JctAcocks Green Village (Stop Aj)Addington RoadAdelaide StreetAdlington Road/Buchanan RoadAdlington Road/Deerlands AvenueAdlington Road/Falstaff RoadAdlington Road/Southey HillAfton BridgendAfton CottageAilsa HospitalAilsa Hospital East EntranceAinsworth StreetAintree RoadAirdrie RoadAiredale AcademyAiredale Hospital Main EntranceAire Street AAire Street CAirlie PlaceAirport HotelAirport (Stop C)Aketon Rd Garth StreetAketon Road Hemsby RdAketon Road Lumley StAketon Road Rivelin RdAketon Road WmcAlbany Road WestAlbert Road WestAlbert StreetAlbion Road - Upper Camden StreetAlbion Street DAlbury RoadAlbyns AvenueAldborough Road North (Stop Ng)Aldborough Road South (Stop Nu)Alder Community High SchoolAlder CrescentAlderglen RoadAlder RoadAldershaw RdAldersyde StreetAldiAldred StreetAlexander AvenueAlexander RoadAlexandra DockAlexandra DriveAlexandra TerraceAlfred Gelder Street FAlfred Gelder Street GAlfred StreetAlkrington Hall Road NorthAllerton Grange AveAll Saints ChurchAll Saints CourtAll Saints SchoolAlma RoadAlnwickhill RoadAlpin RoadAlspath LaneAlton CloseAlvanley RoadAlwyn AvenueAmazon WarehouseAmberfield SchoolAmbrose RiseAmersham RoadAmhurst Road / Hackney Downs (Stop L)Amos AvenueAmos StreetAncoats ClinicAncrum DriveAncrum RoadAnderson AvenueAndover AvenueAngel InnAngel PlaceAngel RoadAngel Station (Stop F)Angel Station (Stop X)Anglesey RoadAnnandale HallAnnbank RoadAnnesley RoadAnnett RoadAnnfield Glen RoadAnnfield Terr - CalowaysAnsdell RoadApethorn LaneApollonia House HealthcareAppleton RoadApple Tree (Stand I)Apple WayApril CloseArch - Eden TerraceArchray RoadArden GroveArden RoadArdern RoadArkwright StreetArlies LaneArlington Street (Stop M)Armadale RoadArm RoadArnside DriveArran CloseArran DriveArran ViewArthur Lucan CloseArthur StreetArundel Gate/Ag3Arundel Gate/Cs123Arundel PlaceAsdaAsda WarehouseAshbourne RoadAshbrooke DriveAshbrook RoadAshfield AvenueAshfield HouseAsh GroveAshgrove StreetAshleaAshley RiseAshley RoadAshley TerraceAsh RoadAsh StreetAshton Moss (Stop B)Ashton Moss (Stop C)Ashton New RoadAshton Old RoadAshton Old Road (Stop A)Ashton RoadAshton Road EastAshton Road WestAshton Sixth Form CollegeAshton-Under-Lyne InterchangeAshton-Under-Lyne Interchange (Stand D)Ashton-Under-Lyne Interchange (Stand E)Ashton-Under-Lyne Interchange (Stand H)Ash Tree RoadAshurst CourtAshurst DriveAshurst Drive (Stop Ed)Askew Road West-Oak SquareAskew Road West-ParkAstley'S FarmAstoria DriveAtherton Rail Station (Stop A)Atherton WayAtholl CrescentAtlantic RoadAtlas StreetAudenshaw Metrolink (Stop A)Audenshaw Metrolink (Stop B)Auster BankAusterlandsAusterlands ChimneyAvalon CourtAve RdAvisyard AvenueAvondale CloseAyr HospitalAyr Hospital Day CentreB742Back Lane End - New Rd EndBadger CloseBagslate Moor LaneBakers Avenue (Stop Sk)Bakewell RoadBalcastle GardensBalfour StreetBalgarthno RoadBalgarthno StreetBalgavies Loch Nature ReserveBallochmyle ViewBallochmyle WayBalloch RoundaboutBalls Pond Road / Burder Road (Stop F)Balmalloch RoadBalmfield StreetBalmoral RoadBaltimore StreetBamford Post OfficeBamford StreetBancroft Road (Stop I)Bankfield RoadBankfield StreetBankhead DriveBankhead LoanBankhead MedwayBank House RoadBanksideBank Street ABank Street DBank TopBannells LaneBannerbrook ParkBantock AvenueBaptist ChurchBarbeggs CrescentBarbieston AvenueBarcliffe AvenueBarley Lane (Stop C)Barley MowBarn AcreBarnes GreenBarnes Road Quarry CourtBarnhill PlaceBarnsley Road/Firshill CloseBarnsley Road/Grove RoadBarnsley Road/John StreetBarnsley Road/Main StreetBarnsley Road/Orphanage RoadBarnsley Road/Shakespeare RoadBarnsley Road/Victoria RoadBarnsley Road/Westmount AvenueBarn Street (Stop Ka)Barn Street (Stop Kb)Barn Street (Stop Kd)Barn Street (Stop Ke)Barnwood CloseBarony RoadBarrack RoadBarrhill LaneBarr LaneBarrow Hill RoadBarry StreetBarskimming RoadBartholomew SchoolBarton BridgeBawdsey AvenueBaytree LaneBeach WalkBeal Road (Stop Vk)Beancroft Road Hugh StBeancroft Street Beancroft RdBeancroft Street Leaf StBeansheaf InnBeaufort RoadBeaulieu AvenueBeaumont DriveBecca LodgeBeckenham RoadBeech AvenueBeech CloseBeechen Grove (Stop M)BeechfieldBeech Tree AvenueBeechtree RoadBeechwoodBeechwood AvenueBeechwood Avenue BeechwoodBeechwood RoadBeehive Lane (Stop Cj)Beehive Lane (Stop Cm)Belfield RoadBelgium StreetBelgrave AvenueBelle Isle CircusBelle Vue RoadBelle Vue (Stop E)Bellfield AvenueBellfield LaneBell InnBell LaneBell VillasBelmont AvenueBelmont DriveBelmont Place WestBelmont RoadBelmont StreetBennett DriveBensham Road-Alexandra VillasBensham Road - Coatsworth RoadBensham Road-Musgrave VillasBenson StreetBentcliffe GroveBentfield CrescentBentley RoadBenton Park Road-Balliol GardensBenton Park Road-Benton Lodge AvenueBenton Park Road-Hobart GardensBenton Park Road-Trentham AvenueBerkeley AvenueBerking AvenueBernard TerraceBerry RoadBeswicke Royds StreetBethell Avenue (Stop Va)Bethell Avenue (Stop Vr)Betley CourtBexhill AvenueBignor StreetBill Bailey'S Play AreaBilling RdBindloss AvenueBinns StreetBirchinley HallBirch RoadBirdwood GroveBirkhouse LaneBirmingham Lane Primary SchoolBirtley Lane-SchoolBishops WayBishops Way Cardnial CloseBlacket HouseBlacket PlaceBlack HorseBlack Horse Avenue (Stop B)Blackley New RoadBlackmoorfoot Turning CircleBlackmore RoadBlackness RoadBlackrod ChurchBlackrod Rail Station (Stop A)Blackshaw LaneBlackwood RoundaboutBlagrave Street (Stop Eo)Blakefield RoadBlantyre GardensBlethyn StreetBlock Lane (Stop D)Block Lane (Stop F)Bloomsbury Square (Stop B)Bloomsbury Square (Stop F)Blossom StreetBloxhall Road (Stop Lm)Blue BellBlue Coat SchoolBlythsford RdBoarshaw LaneBoarshaw RoadBoat & HorsesBoghall CottagesBolton Interchange (Stand A)Bolton Interchange (Stand S)Bolton MarketBolton Rail Station (Stop Aa)Bolton StreetBond Street EBonehill FarmBonemill Lane - Biddick LaneBonny Brow StreetBonville CrescentBootle Bus Station (Stand 1)Bootle New Strand StationBootle Oriel Road Station (Stop A)Bootle Oriel Road Station (Stop B)Bootle Strand Shopping Centre (Stop B)Borland BridgeBorrowdale AvenueBosbury TurnBoswall DriveBoswall ParkwayBottle & Glass PhBoughton AvenueBoundary AvenueBournehall RoadBowbridge FarmBower FoldBower StreetBowker Vale Metrolink (Stop A)Bowker Vale Metrolink (Stop B)Bowland DriveBowling GreenBowness AvenueBoyesBoyle StreetB & QBrabyns RoadBracewell Rd Popley DriveBrackenwood DriveBrackley Road (Stop A)Brackleys WayBradbourne CloseBradbury StreetBradford AvenueBradford InnBradford RoadBradmore InnBradney GreenBradville RoadBraesideBraeside CottagesBramley CloseBrampton AveBrampton GardensBrampton Road/Junction StreetBrandon TerraceBranscombe RoadBranston Road (Stop K)BreckonhillBrendon AvenueBrentfield AvenueBrewerton RoadBrewster StreetBriar CourtBricknell SchoolBridge CroftBridge HillBridge HllBridge RoadBridge Road EastBridge StreetBridge Street ABridge Street BBridge Street CavershamBridge Street (Stop S1)BridlepathBridlewayBriery Hey AvenueBright RoadBristol AvenueBristol StreetBritannia RoadBroadcarr LaneBroadfields CloseBroadgateBroadhalgh RoadBroadhead RoadBroadhurst FieldsBroadlands CloseBroadlands Rd TopBroadlands RoadBroad LaneBroadleaBroadmarsh LaneBroadoak Hotel (Stop C)Broadoak Hotel (Stop D)Broad Oak TurnBroad Shaw LaneBroadstone AvenueBroad StreetBroadwater RoadBroadwayBroadway ConventBroadway (Stop C)Broadway (Stop D)Broadway StreetBrocco Bank/Ecclesall RoadBrocco Bank/Newington RoadBro LleweniBrookdale MewsBrookdale ParkBrookes University (Stop B5)Brookfield StreetBrookfoldBrook Hey DriveBrooklands ParadeBrooklands RoadBrook RoadBrooks DriveBrookwayBrookwood AvenueBroomhousesBrougham RoadBrown Cow (Stop C)Brown Cow (Stop D)Brown Cow (Stop F)Brownhill CentreBrownhill TerraceBrown Lodge StreetBrown StreetBrow RdBrow RoadBrun CloughBrunstane Road NorthBrunswick StreetBrunton Lane - Kingston Park ShopsBrunton PlaceBryan AvenueBryce AvenueBryn DerwBuckingham Palace Road / Bressenden Place (Stop P)Buckstones RoadBuckstones TerminusBullockstone RoadBull RingBulls HeadBull'S HeadBurghley CloseBurnbank PlaceBurnbank RoadBurnbraeBurndale PlaceBurnedgeBurnett TerraceBurnfootBurnfoothallBurnham MeadowBurnheadBurnley LaneBurnley StreetBurnswark ViewBurton RoadBurtons WayBurwashBuryfieldsBury New Road (Stop C)Bury Old Road (Stop F)Bury StreetBushey Arches (Stop F)Bushey Arches (Stop G)Busheyfields RoadBushey Railway Station East (Stop B)Bushfield DriveBusiness Park (Stop C)Business Park (Stop D)Bus ShelterBus StationBus Station (Bay 6)Bus Station (Stance 11)Bus Station (Stand 1)Bus Station Stand 1Bus Station Stand 2Bus Station (Stand 4)Bus Station Stand A (Stand A)Bus Station Stand D (Stand D)Bus Station (Stand H)Bus Station (Stand J)Bus Station Stand K (Stand K)Bus Station Stand R (Stand R)Bus Station Stand X (Stand X)Bus Station (Stop E)Bus Station (Stop L)Bus Stn (Stand 21)Bus Stn Stand 4Butler GreenButler StreetButtars LoanButtars StreetButtermarketButterwick FieldsBuxton LaneByland AvenueBypass IslandCables WyndCade CloseCafe NeroCairnhill Primary SchoolCairn RoadCairnston AvenueCaithness CloseCaiystane ViewCalderbrook RoadCalder DriveCaledonia ParkCalifornia RoadCallington DriveCalmlands Rd Windermere RoadCamborne RoadCambrian StreetCambridge Circus (Stop D)Cambridge WayCamden StreetCanberra StreetCannon Park CentreCanterbury FieldsCaradoc RoadCar Bank SquareCar Bank StreetCarbieston AvenueCardinal Langley High SchoolCardowan DriveCarfax StreetCarisbrook StreetCarlisle Cricket ClubCarlton RoadCarlyle RoadCarlyles MonumentCar ParkCarr HallCarr HillCarrhill RoadCarr Hill Road-Elgin RoadCarr Hill Road-Ruskin RoadCarr Hill Road-Strathmore RoadCarrick Glen HospitalCarrick StreetCarr LaneCarr Mount FarmCarrs Road Carrs StCarrs Road Meltham RdCarrs Road Old New Inn PhCarrs Road Peel StCartmel CourtCartmel CoutCasson Fold Nursery SchoolCastlecroft AvenueCastle DeneCastleford Civic CentreCastlehillCastlehill RoadCastle IrwellCastlemains AvenueCastlemilkgateCastlemill StreetCastle Primary SchoolCastle SquareCatch Bar Lane/Leppings LaneCathcart StreetCatherine Road (Stop C)Catherine Road (Stop D)Catrine RoadCavendish StreetCaversham Drive (Stop E)Caversham Drive (Stop F)Caversham LaundryCaversham Road Fire StationCawdor StreetCearl CourtCecil RoadCedar GroveCedar RoadCedar StreetCemetery Road/Lady CroftCemetery Road Metrolink (Stop A)Cemetery Road/Stump Cross RoadCentral AvenueCentral Avenue (Stance 1)Central ParkChadderton Hall ParkChadderton Park InnChadderton Park RoadChadderton Precinct (Stop A)Chadderton Precinct (Stop B)Chadderton Town HallChadderton WayChadwell Heath Lane /Barley Ln (Stop B)Chainbridge Holiday ParkChain FarmChain LaneChain Rd Lingard RdChain RoadChain Road Lingards RdChalmers AvenueChalmers StreetChamber RoadChancery LaneChapel BraeChapel CroftChapelfields SchoolChapel HillChapel LaneChapel RoadChapel StreetChapel Street (Stand Q)Chapel Street (Stop Nl)Charleston BarCharleston SchoolCharlestown RoadCharlotte StreetCharlotte Street (Stop Ck)Charlton AvenueCharminster DriveCharter Row/Fitzwilliam GateCharter Street (Stop E)Chart LaneChassen RoadChatsworth RoadChatsworth Road / Lea Bridge Road (Stop Q)Chatsworth Road / Lea Bridge Road (Stop V)Cheadle Post OfficeCheadle RoadCheetham Hill Shopping Centre (Stop K)Cheetham ParkCheetham StreetCheetwood Primary School (Stop E)Chelsworth AvenueCherry AvenueCherry Hall DriveChesham AvenueCheshire AvenueCheshire StreetChester Road-Boundary HousesChester Road-FernleaChester Road-Grangewood CloseChester Road-Hindsons CrescentChester Road - Station RoadChester SquareChevin AvenueCheviot ViewChew Valley RoadChichester StreetChilmark GardensChip Hill RoadChorltonChpl Allerton HospChrist ChurchChristiemillar AvenueChristine AvenueChruch StreetChurchChurch AvenueChurch Bank-Lodge TerraceChurch Chare SchoolsChurch GardensChurch HillChurchill StreetChurchill Street-Archer StreetChurchill Street-Engine Inn RoadChurchill Street-Greenside AvenueChurchill Street-Perth GardensChurchill Street-SchoolChurchill Street - Stanley StreetChurchill Street-Windsor DriveChurch LaneChurch RoadChurch StreetChurch Street Cross Church StChurch Street EastChurch Street/Mill RoadChurch Street Nabbs LnChurch Street South ViewChurch Street Speedwell StChurch Street (Stop A)Church Street (Stop B)Church WalkCinder Hill LaneCity RoadCivic HallClapton Girls' Tech College (Stop L)Clapton Girls' Tech College (Stop M)Clapton Pond (Stop E)Clapton Pond (Stop H)Clapton Square (Stop S)Claremont RoadClarence AvenueClarence HotelClarendon Road (Stop S)Clarke Ln Parkin LaneClarksfield RoadClaxton Lane EndClay LaneClayton Hall RoadClayton StreetCleaveland RoadClerkenwell Road (Stop Cn)Clibran StreetClickemin BridgeClifford RoadClifton LaneClint TerraceClipsley CrescentClive StreetClocksbriggsClough LaneClough RoadClovenstone RoadClowes Street (Stop A)Clowes Street (Stop B)Coal Pit LaneCoal RoadCoalshaw Green Road (Stop E)Coast Road - Glanton RoadCoast Road-Norham Road NorthCoast Road-Norham Road SouthCoates Middle SchoolCobden PlaceCobden StreetCockfield Hall LaneCock HillCockit HatCoed-Y-GlynCoe StreetCoillesdene DriveColders DriveColders LaneColdhurst StreetColdwell LaneColdwell Lane - Albion StreetColenso StreetColeridge RoadColesbourne RdCole StreetColinton Mains LoanColinton Mains RoadColinton VillageCollegeCollege RoadColley Crescent/Colley RoadColley Crescent/Rokeby DriveColley Road/Colley CrescentColley Road/Turie AvenueColliery LaneCollingwood StreetColmore DriveColne Valley Business ParkColwyn AvenueComely Bank CemeteryCommercial HotelCommercial Hotel (Stop A)Commercial Hotel (Stop B)Commercial StreetCommunity CentreCommunity CollegeCommunity College Bus ParkCompton Park SchoolsCondorrat InterchangeCondor RoundaboutCongregational ChurchConiston DriveConnaught AvenueConnell College TerminusConnel ViewConnolly AvenueConway CloseCo-OpCo-Op Academy FailsworthCo-Op Academy ManchesterCo-Op Academy North ManchesterCooperative AvenueCooperative TerraceCooper LaneCooper StreetCo-Op StoreCopgrove RoadCoppice StreetCopplehouse LaneCopster PlaceCopthall LaneCopthall Lane (Stop L)CornbrookCorn Exchange BCorn Exchange FCornish WayCornwall RoadCoronation RoadCorrie RoadCote LaneCottimore CrescentCotton Smith WayCotton Tree CloseCouchmore AvenueCouncil Offices (Stop A)Council Offices (Stop B)Counthill RoadCounty EndCounty RoadCounty Road NorthCounty ShowgroundCoupar Angus RoadCourier StreetCourtlands CrossCoventry Road (Stop Vj)Coverdale RdCoverhill RoadCoverleyCowgateCowlersley JunctionCowlishaw LaneCow Moor BridgeCowm Top LaneCoyle AvenueCoylton Parish ChurchCoylton Primary SchoolCraigens RoadCraigentinny CrossroadsCraighall RoadCraigie RoadCraiglinn RoundaboutCraiglockhart CampusCraiglockhart ParkCraiglockhart RoadCraiglockhart Sports CentreCraignessCraigowan RoadCraigroyston Community High SchoolCraigroyston Health CentreCrambeckCraufurd DriveCraufurs DriveCraven ParkCraven StCraven Street SouthCravenwood Road (Stop N)Crawford StreetCrayford RoadCrematoriumCrescent RoadCressfieldCrewe BankCrewe Road GardensCrewe Road WestCrewe TollCrickets LaneCrocus StreetCroft Gates RoadCroft Head DriveCrofton StreetCromer Industrial EstateCrompton Health CentreCrompton WayCromwell RoadCromwell Road Bus Station (Stop A12)Cromwell Road Bus Station (Stop A2)Crookes/Brick StreetCrookes/Bute StreetCrookes/Duncan RoadCrookes Road/Lydgate LaneCrookes Road/Parkers RoadCrookes/Sackville RoadCrookes/School RoadCrookes/Toyne StreetCrook StreetCross AvenueCross Gates LaneCross Hill/High StreetCross Hill/St Michaels RoadCross KeysCrossroadsCross StreetCross Street (Stop E)Cross Street (Stop Ea)CrosswaysCrow Hill ViewCrown And ThistleCrown CourtCrown GardensCrowngate Bus Station (Stand J)Crowngate Bus Station (Stand M)Crown InnCrown Point DCrown Point FCrown Point (Stop C)Crown Point (Stop E)Crown & Shuttle (Stop D)Crowther StreetCroy StationCroy Station EntranceCrud-Y-CastellCrumpsall LaneCrumpsall ParkCulcheth GatesCulcheth LaneCulford Road (Stop Be)Culham CloseCulmuir TerraceCulross AvenueCumberland Drive (Stop L)Cumberland Rd TopCumberland RoadCumnock Bus Station (Stance 3)Cumnock Bus Station (Stance 6)Cunningham StreetCurlew RoadCurtois CloseCuthbert StreetCutler Hill RoadCutsyke Cross RoadsCutsyke Rd Blenheim WayCutsyke Road Castleford LnCutsyke Road CemeteryCuttle BrookCyffion CrossroadsCypress CrescentDacres RoadDaimler AvenueDaisy BankDaisy Hill Rail Station (Stop B)Daisy Hill RoadDalbeattie Street (Stop B)Dalbeattie Street (Stop C)Dale RoadDale ViewDalgety AvenueDalhanna DriveDallmellingon RoadDalmellington RoadDalmeny RdDalston Junction Station (Stop G)Dalston Lane /Dalston Junction Station (Stop K)Dalton StreetDalton WayDamfield LaneDam Head Medical CentreDamsideDane BankDane StreetDarley StreetDarnton RoadDarts FarmDaventry RoadDavid'S Farm CloseDawlish TerraceDay DriveDaylesford Infant SchoolDeacon CloseDeaf InsituteDeal CloseDean BridgeDean Brook InnDeane Church LaneDeane Golf ClubDean Lane (Stop C)Dean Lane (Stop D)Deansgate-CastlefieldDeans RoadDean StreetDean Street / Chinatown (Stop W)DeanwayDeanwood AvenueDeanwood ManorDearnalay WayDearnley AvenueDee LaneDelabole RoadDelme ArmsDelph Cross RoadsDenbigh High SchoolDenbigh Police StationDenham Drive (Stop Ee)Denmark Street (Stop A)Denshaw Jct InnDenshaw RoadDenshaw TerminusDenver RoadDerby RoadDerby StreetDerkerDerker Metrolink (Stop A)Derker Metrolink (Stop B)Derker Metrolink (Stop C)Derker Metrolink (Stop D)Derker StreetDerwent DriveDerwent View TerraceDerwentwater Road-PitzDerwentwater Road-Ropery RoadDerwentwater Road-Teams BridgeDespard RdDevon MillDevonshire RoadDevonshire StreetDicken Green LaneDidsbury VillageDiggle Day Nursery
Diggle Post OfficeDirk FarmDobbs LaneDoctor LaneDodlee LaneDogford RoadDogs Trust LeedsDolby Forest Lane EndDon AvenueDonyngs Leisure CentreDoorstones FarmDouglas AvenueDouglas DriveDouglas GreenDouglas StreetDouglas Street (Stop A)Dovecote CloseDover RoadDove StreetDown End RoadDownshaw RoadDowson RoadDradishaw Road Skipton RdDradishaw Road Vale GroveDre Goch GanolDresden StreetDroylsden Metrolink (Stop B)Droylsden Metrolink (Stop C)Droylsden RoadDroylsden Road (Stop G)Droylsden Shopping CentreDrumley DriveDrumley HouseDrummond HouseDrumpellier AvenueDrumsheugh Place (Stop Qa)Drumsheugh Place (Stop Qf)Drumwhill RoadDrury LaneDrylaw Police StationDrypool BridgeDudley Avenue SouthDudley CrescentDukinfield Town Hall (Stop A)Dumbreck TerraceDuncan StreetDuncarse RoadDuncraig RoadDundee StreetDunderdale CrescentDunham StreetDunholm PlaceDunkerley StreetDunkirk LaneDunns CopseDunston Road-Beech DriveDunston Road-Meadow LaneDunston Road-ParkDunwood Park CourtsDurban StreetDurham RoadDursley CloseDwp Tyneview ParkDykes Hall Road/Dunella RoadDykes Hall Road/Far LaneDykes Hall Road/Findon StreetDykes Hall Road/Middlewood RoadDysarts ArmsEaglesfield Village HallEarls Lane (Stand R)Earlswood LakesEarly BankEasedale RoadEast AvenueEast Benton-Station Road NorthEastburn BridgeEastbury DriveEastcroftEast DidsburyEast Fettes AvenueEastfield RoadEast Grange RoadEast Lane (Stop Um)East Lane (Stop Uv)East LodgeEast Mere Farm CottagesEastnor RoadEast Savile RoadEast Surrey Hospital (Stop H1)EastwayEbsworth StreetEcclesEcclesall Road/Collegiate CrescentEcclesall Road/Denham RoadEcclesall Road/Hickmott RoadEcclesall Road/Neill RoadEcclesall Road/Pear StreetEcclesall Road/Thompson RoadEcclesall Road/Wadbrough RoadEccles Interchange (Stand B)Eccles Interchange (Stop E)Eccles Library (Stop L)Eccles Library (Stop M)Eccles New RoadEccles Old RoadEdenfield RoadEdenhouse RoadEden Street (Stop D1)Eden Street (Stop E3)Eden Street (Stop Pr)Edge LaneEdge Lane Metrolink (Stop B)Edge Lane StreetEdgell RoadEdgemoor DriveEdinburgh CollegeEdward AvenueEdward StreetEgerton StreetEgginton RoadEgmont StreetEisteddfod FieldEldercot RoadElectricity Sub-StationElford PlaceElizabeth Drive PlaygroundElizabeth HouseEllerbeckEllesmere CircleEllesmere DriveElliot RoadElliott St Queen StreetElliott Street Oakland StEllison RoadEllison Road-Catholic ChurchEllison Road-The CrescentElm DriveElmete RoadElmham CrescentElmore TerraceElm RoadElm Row (Stop Eb)Elm Row (Stop Ed)Elmsfield AvenueElmsleigh Bus Station (Stop 7)Elmsley StreetElmwood RoadElsma RoadElvate CrescentEly TerraceEmmanuel CollegeEmmanuel Parish Church (Stop Lf)Emmanuel Parish Church (Stop Ll)Emmett Street EastEndcliffe Vale Road/Endcliffe Hall AvenueEndcliffe Vale Road/Endcliffe Rise RoadEndcliffe Vale Road/The GladeEnderby RoadEnfield CentreEnnerdale Road-Hartington RoadEnnerdale Road-Hayton RoadEnnerdale Road-Lorton AvenueEnnerdale Road-Solway AvenueEnnerdale TerraceEnsign CloseEntranceEntwistle RoadEskdale FisheriesEssex Road / Marquess Road (Stop Cg)Essex Road /Newington Green Rd (Stop Cd)Essex Road Station (Stop Eb)Essex Road Station (Stop Ej)Ethelred CloseEtihad Campus (Stop B)Etihad StadiumEtive CrescentEttington RoadEustace StreetEvening StreetEvergreenEvesham RoadEwehurst GardensExchange Road (Stop K)Exchange SquareExeter DriveExeter HillExeter RoadExmoor CloseExmouth RoadExton VillageEynsham ChurchEyre Street/Matilda StreetFactory Lane (Stop A)Factory Lane (Stop D)FailsworthFailsworth Liberal Club (Stop E)Failsworth Metrolink (Stop A)Failsworth Metrolink (Stop B)Failsworth Pole (Stop A)Failsworth Pole (Stop B)Failsworth PrecinctFairbottom StreetFairfield Road (Stop D)Fairhaven RoadFairleasFairmile AvenueFairmilehead CrossroadsFairview DriveFairwayFalcon DriveFalcon Drive Fulmar RdFalcon Drive Gannett CloseFalcon Dr Sheldrake RoadFallowfield Shopping Centre (Stop A)Fallowfield Shopping Centre (Stop B)Fallowfield Way-SouthcroftFanshawe RdFaraday Street (Stop Em)Farcroft AveFarmhouse Road EndFarm ShopFarm StreetFarm ViewFarrars ArmsFarringdon Road-Highcross RoadFarringdon Road-Keswick DriveFarringdon Road-Kirkston AvenueFaulkeners WayFazakerley Station (Stop A)Fazakerley Station (Stop D)Featherstall Road NorthFeatherstall Road North (Stop E)Featherstall Road North (Stop F)Featherstone AcademyFeatherstone Lane Dixon StFeatherstone Lane Highfield CloseFeatherstone Ln Carlton StreetFeatherstone Station LaneFelling Bypass-EnnerdaleFelling Bypass-Henderson GardensFelling SquareFelsted DriveFentons FarmFeraFern AvenueFern CloseFerndown RoadFernhurst RoadFernhurst StreetFerniehill AvenueFerniehill PlaceFerniehill RoadFernieside DriveFernieside GroveFernlea ValeFernleigh AvenueFerrey RoadFerries StreetFerry FrystonFerry RoadFerry Road DriveFestival Road/Fitzwilliam AvenueFestival Road/SandygateFettes RowFforde Grene JctFieldhead AvenueFieldhead DriveField LaneFieldshead BungalowsFields New RoadFieldwayFifty StepsFinchers CornerFindlay AvenueFines TerraceFinlan RoadFinsbury Town Hall (Stop Ud)Fire StationFirgrove AvenueFirrhill High SchoolFirshill Crescent/Firshill CroftFirshill Crescent/Firshill GladeFirshill Crescent/Firshill RiseFirshill Crescent/Firshill WayFirshill Crescent/Shirecliffe RoadFirs RoadFir StreetFirswood StationFir Tree AvenueFir Tree CrescentFir Tree FarmFirwood ParkFisheriesFitton ParkFitton StreetFitzwarren StreetFive AcreFive Elms FarmFiveways Byron AvenueFiveways Scott RoadFlaxton Lane EndFleming WayFletcher Street (Stop E)Flora Stevenson SchoolFlying ScudFoggyley GardensFold ViewFolkestone RoadFondlyset LaneFoot Of The WalkForbury Road (Stop El)Ford RoadFord ViewForesterseat Road EndForest Hill TurnFore StreetForge CloseForge CottageFormby AvenueFormosa DriveForrester High SchoolForrest RoadFoxFoxdenton Hall ParkFoxes HollowFox Hollies Leisure CentreFox & Rabbit InnFoxton StreetFrances Street WestFrederick StreetFreeholdFreeland TurnFriarmere RoadFriars CrescentFriar Street (Stop Fj)Friar Street (Stop Fp)Friary FarmFriday LaneFrogston AvenueFront StreetFront Street-College LaneFront Street-Eastfield RoadFront Street-SchoolFryston Social ClubFulchers FieldFulwood Road/Endcliffe CrescentFulwood Road/Endcliffe Vale RoadFulwood Road/Manchester RoadFulwood Road/Ranmoor Park RoadFulwood Road/Riverdale RoadFulwood Road/Shore LaneFulwood Road/Tapton Park RoadFurness AvenueFurnival Gate/Moorhead Mh3Gainsborough AvenueGainsborough RoadGairlochGalloway AvenueGaltres RoadGants Hill Station / Cranbrook Road (Stop Ch)Gants Hill Station / Cranbrook Road (Stop Cn)Gants Hill Station (Stop Et)GarageGarden CentreGardener'S ArmsGardener'S Arms (Stop A)Gardener'S Arms (Stop B)Gardener'S Arms (Stop E)Gardener'S Arms (Stop F)Gardener'S Arms (Stop G)Gardener'S Arms (Stop H)Gardener'S Arms (Stop J)Garden SuburbGarforth AvenueGarrell Vale Community CentreGarside StreetGarsmouth WayGarston Railway Station (Stop A)Garston Railway Station (Stop B)Garvine RoadGaskell StreetGate HeadGathurst Hall FarmGathurst Rail Station (Stop A)Gathurst RoadGeinas FarmGellifor Primary SchoolGeorge StreetGeorge Street North (Stop G)George Street North (Stop H)Gerrard Place / Chinatown (Stop P)Gibraltar LaneGibraltar StreetGiggshill GreenGilbertstone AveGilbrook WayGilmerton Dykes AvenueGilmerton Dykes CrescentGilnow GardensGipsy LaneGipton ApproachGladstone RoadGladstone StreetGlaisnock ViewGlan Lledan CottagesGlasshouse LaneGleaves RoadGlebe StreetGledhow Lidgett LnGledhow TowersGledhow Valley RoadGlenafton DriveGlenarm Road (Stop Z)Glencoe StreetGlencraig StreetGlendower AvenueGlen GardensGlenlockhart ValleyGlenmuir PlaceGlen RoadGliding CentreGlodwick RoadGloucester RoadGoathland Lane EndGodley Station (Stop B)Godley Station (Stop D)Godley Station (Stop F)Gogarburn A8Gogar RoundaboutGogarstone RoadGolcar Brow RoadGoldenacre TerraceGolden Lion InnGoldthorn CloseGoldthorn HillGoldthorn RdGolf CentreGolf ClubGolf Club - BridgeGolf CourseGolf Links AvenueGooch StreetGoodacre RoadGood StreetGoodwin AvenueGordon RoadGordon TerraceGorrels WayGorse LaneGorton Shopping CentreGosling BridgeGowrie StreetGracemount DriveGracemount Leisure CentreGrace RoadGraham RoadGraham Road / Hackney Central (Stop E)GrahamshillGrains BarGrains RoadGrange AvenueGrange LaneGrange RoadGrangewood DriveGranton CrescentGranton GardensGranton Park AvenueGranton Primary SchoolGranton SquareGranton TerraceGranville StreetGranville Street (Stop G)Grapes HotelGrays Inn Road /Theobalds Road (Stop Ca)Graystone RoadGray StreetGreat Academy AshtonGreat Cheetham Street East (Stop D)Great Clowes StreetGreat Eastern SquareGreat King StreetGreat Newton StreetGreat Norbury Street (Stop A)Greaves StreetGrecian StreetGreenacres CemeteryGreenacres RoadGreenbank DriveGreenfaulds High SchoolGreenfield Rd Harden Moss RdGreenfield Rd Magdelen RoadGreenfield Rd Newlands LnGreenfield Rd Wessenden Head RoadGreenfield RoadGreenfield Road Black GateGreenfield Road Bradshaw QuarriesGreenfield Road Harden Moss RdGreenfield Road Hart HolesGreenfield Road Modd LnGreenfield Road Wessenden HeadGreenfield Road Wessenden Head MoorGreenfield Road Wheels Brook FarmGreenfield StationGreenfield Station (Stop A)Greenfield Station (Stop B)Greenfield Station (Stop D)Greenfield Station (Stop G)GreengateGreengate LaneGreengate (Stop C)Greengate (Stop D)Greengate StreetGreen Hall CloseGreenhead RoadGreenhead Road EndGreenland AvenueGreen LaneGreen Lane Jardine AveGreen Ln Market StreetGreen Park / Constitution Hill (Stop E)Green Park Station (Stop H)Green Park Station (Stop J)Green Road RoundaboutGreens End RoadGreenside CourtGreenwich RoadGreenwood Road (Stop B)Greenwood Road (Stop E)Gregory StreetGrendon RoadGrenfell GardensGretna Old ChurchGreymoor WayGrey StreetGriffin HotelGrimes DikeGrimes StreetGrimshaw LaneGrimshaw StreetGrimston LaneGroes Efa BachGroes FawrGroes UchaGrosvenor Gardens (Stop Q)Grosvenor Park Road (Stop K)Grosvenor RoadGrove RdGrove Road Walthamstow (Stop Nh)Grove Road Walthamstow (Stop Sj)Guildhall / Rose Theatre (Stop J)Guildhall / Rose Theatre (Stop K)GullifordGulliford FarmGyle Centre (Stop Kf)Gyle RoundaboutGyle SquareHackney Baths (Stop Q)Hackney Baths (Stop U)Hackney Central / Mare Street (Stop G)Hackney Central Station (Stop J)Hackney Central Station (Stop T)Hailesland PlaceHalf Acre DriveHalf Edge LaneHalf MoonHalfpenny Lane Camp MountHalfpenny Lane Park PlaceHalfpenny Lane St Giles AveHalfpenny Ln Ryder CloseHalfway GreenHalfway HouseHalifax Road/Carrville DriveHalifax Road/Chaucer RoadHalifax Road/Cowper AvenueHalifax Road/Deerlands AvenueHalifax Road/Doe Royd LaneHalifax Road/Fox Hill RoadHalifax Road/Holme LaneHalifax Road/Lyminster RoadHalifax Road/Salt Box LaneHalifax Road/Southey Green RoadHalifax Road (Stop D)Halifax Road (Stop E)Halifax Road/Wheel LaneHalifax Road/Wilcox RoadHallHallam RoadHallcroft LaneHall DriveHalliford RoadHall LaneHall ParkHall StreetHall TerraceHalsall DriveHalsdown HouseHalton DialHamilton AvenueHamilton RoadHamilton StreetHampden CrescentHanborough GateHanborough Station (Entrance)Hand In HandHannah Research ParkHannover SquareHanover StreetHanover Street (Stop Gk)Hanover Street (Stop Nm)Hanover Street (Stop Nn)Hanson RoadHarbourHarbour CityHarbour LaneHarbour StreetHarden Hill FarmHardfield RoadHardwick Street (Stop Ua)Hardy StreetHarehills AvenueHare & HoundsHarewood RoadHarker StreetHarpurhey RoadHarratonHarris Academy NorthHarris Academy SouthHarrison DriveHarrowby CloseHartford RoadHartley LaneHartley StreetHarton Lane EndHartshead AvenueHartshead CrescentHartshead InnHartshill RdHaslam StreetHathershaw LaneHattersley Road WestHatton Hill RoadHaughton Green TerminusHaven RoadHawarden GroveHawkhill AvenueHawkshaw StreetHawksley StreetHawthorn CrescentHawthorne GroveHawthorne RoadHawthorn GroveHawthorn LaneHawthorn RoadHayden CourtHayhill HouseHaymans GreenHaynes StreetHazelbush FarmHazeldene RoadHazel RdHazel RoadHazelwood Castle HotelHeadingstone PlaceHeadington School (Stop B9)Headington Shops (Stop Hs2)Headley BarHealth CentreHeathbank RoadHeather AvenueHeather RoadHeaton Park Road WestHeavygate Road/Camm StreetHeavygate Road/Highton StreetHelm DriveHelme Lane Highfield CrescentHemmington DriveHempland LaneHendon RoadHenley CrescentHenry StreetHepworth Way (Stop D)Herberts WayHereford WayHeritage ViewHermitage RdHerne DriveHeron AvenueHeron StreetHerries Road/Boynton RoadHerries Road/Herries DriveHerries Road/Longley LaneHerries Road/Norwood AvenueHerries Road/Shirecliffe RoadHeworth ChurchHeworth Felling By-PassHeworth InterchangeHeworth RoadHey Heads FarmHey Laith FarmHeyroyd LaneHeywood LaneHeywood StreetHiddlestoneHigginshaw RoadHigh BankHigh Barn RoadHigh Barn Street (Stop F)High Barn Street (Stop G)High Crompton Post OfficeHigher Giles FarmHigher LaneHigher Turf LaneHighfield AvenueHighfield CrescentHighfield HospitalHighfield RoadHighfield TerraceHighlands RoadHigh Level Road (Stop C)High Level Road (Stop D)High Marishes Lane EndHighmoorHighpark RoadHigh RoadHigh Road Leyton / Bakers Arms (Stop Ec)High Road Leyton / Bakers Arms (Stop Wh)High SchoolHigh StreetHigh Street AHigh Street CHigh Street East-Court BuildingHigh Street East-Dene CrescentHigh Street East - Laburnum AvenueHigh Street East - Park RoadHigh Street/Littlefield Lane Ww1High Street/Marsh Street Ww3High Street - Springwell RoadHigh Street/St Marys CloseHigh Street (Stop B)High Street (Stop C)High Street (Stop D)High Street (Stop H1)High Street (Stop L2)High Street/Sycamore RoadHightown Post OfficeHighways FlatsHighwood AveHill BankHill CourtHillcrest Road (Stop E)Hilldale AvenueHillheadHillier Street NorthHillkirk StreetHill LaneHill Lane (Stop A)Hillsborough Interchange/H1Hillside AvenueHillside EstateHills MeadowHill Stores (Stop A)Hill Stores (Stop C)Hill StreetHilton LodgeHmrc Benton Park ViewHmrc Tyneview Park Whitley RoadHobs MeadowHodgson Street (Stop F)Hoe Street / Bakers Arms (Stop Ne)Hogarth RoadHolden FoldHolden Fold LaneHole Of HorcumHole RoadHolgate Avenue/Holgate CrescentHolgate Avenue/Margetson RoadHolland StreetHollin BankHollins RoadHollins RowHollinwoodHollinwood AvenueHollinwood Avenue (Stop A)Hollinwood Avenue (Stop B)Hollinwood CemeteryHollinwood (Stop C)Hollinwood (Stop D)Hollinwood (Stop E)Hollybush LaneHollybush PhHolly CourtHolly GroveHolly StreetHolmHolmburn RoadHolme BridgeHolme CloseHolme LaneHolme Ln Blakestones RdHolmeswood RoadHolmfield AvenueHolmfirth LibraryHolmfirth Rd Derwent RdHolmhead RoadHoltby Lane EndHolts LaneHolt Town Metrolink (Stop B)Holy Family ChurchHoly Rosary SchoolHome Street (Stop 1)Homewood RoadHoneywell CentreHoneywell LaneHoniton AvenueHopepark DriveHopwood Hall CollegeHorest LaneHornbeam RoadHorncastle RoadHornie PlayparkHorns Road (Stop Nl)Horridge Fold AvenueHorrobin LaneHorsebridgeHospitalHoughton AvenueHoundhill LaneHouseley AvenueHoward Arms (Stand J)Howden Rd Ings WayHowden Rd Weatherhead PlHowe ParkHoyle CrescentHoyle House FoldHoyle IngHuddersfield RoadHudson CloseHugo StreetHulme Hall LaneHulme RoadHumphrey StreetHunslet CentreHunslet Health CentreHunters ForstalHunter'S TrystHunters WayHunting CloseHunt LaneHunt RoadHunt TerraceHurst Bank Road (Stop A)Hurst Bank Road (Stop B)Hutchinson RoadHuttons Ambo Lane EndHyde Bus Station (Stand F)Hyde Market Place (Stop Dd)Hyde Park Corner (Stop F)Hyde Park Corner (Stop K)Hymers AvenueHyndford PlaceHyndford StreetHyron Hall RdHyvot ParkIan Mikardo WayIlford Station / Ilford Hill (Stop F)Ilford Station (Stop H)Ilford Station (Stop K)Inchwood MewsInfocusIngestre RdIngham CloseInglewood DriveIngliston Park & RideInnInner Hey YardInverkar RoadIpswich RoadIrk BridgeIrlam RoadIsca CollegeIsherwood FoldIslington Green (Stop C)Islington Green (Stop D)Ivy House FarmIvy StreetJacob'S LadderJames Butterworth Street (Stop B)James Butterworth Street (Stop C)James Holt AvenueJames StreetJames Watt DriveJames Young AvenueJarrett RoadJelliston FarmJinnah RestaurantJob'S LaneJocelyn StreetJohn Allan DriveJohn Hogan CloseJohn Smith'S BreweryJohnson StreetJohn StreetJolly HattersJoppa PansJoppa Pans LaybyJovilJubilee CrossingJubilee StreetJumbles Country ParkJumbles NurseryJunction InnJunction PlaceJunction RoadJunction With Scothern RoadJunior SchoolJuniper StreetJury Street (Stop D)Jute CloseKaimes CrossroadsKatherine StreetKeb LaneKeighley Rd Belton RoadKeighley Rd Walkers PlaceKeighley Road Silsden BridgeKelvin AvenueKelvin Hall SchoolKelvin TerraceKelvin ViewKemp RoadKendal DriveKendrew RoadKenilworth AvenueKennedy DriveKennedy StreetKenton Bank FootKenyon LaneKershaw LaneKeswick RdKettlebaston WayKeylineKiddal Lane EndKildare CrescentKillingbeck AsdaKillingbeck CemeteryKilloch PlaceKilmaine DriveKilmiston DriveKilsyth RoadKilsyth Swimming PoolKing Albert StreetKing Edward Road-Mariners LaneKing Edward Road-Mill GroveKing George Avenue (Stop Nd)King George Hospital (Stop A)King George Hospital (Stop Aa)King George RoadKings ArmsKings AvenueKingsburn GardensKingsbury AvenueKings DriveKings GardensKingshill AvenueKingsland High Street (Stop E)Kingsley CloseKings MeadKings Moor RoadKingsmuir DriveKing'S RoadKings Road CavershamKingswayKingsway Business ParkKingsway CourtKingsway Park High SchoolKingsway Retail ParkKingsway (Stop A)Kingsway (Stop F)King WilliamKing William IvKirby AvenueKirkby Station (Stop C)Kirkconnel AvenueKirkdale Station (Stop C)Kirkgate Aire ViewKirkgate CentreKirklees CollegeKirkstall AvenueKirkstone Road WestKirkviewKirkwayKirkwood Gardens-Keir Hardie AvenueKirkwood Gardens-Laski GardensKirtle InnKnella RoadKnights Bridge RdKnightside Gardens - BraesideKnightside Gardens-Douglas GardensKnightside Gardens-Monkridge GardensKnightside Gardens-Whickham HighwayKnightside Gardens - Woodburn GardensKnightside Gardens-Woodside GardensKnollbeck Lane/Brierlow CloseKnollbeck Lane/Cliffe RoadKnollbeck Lane/Dearne RoadKnollbeck Lane/Garden DriveKnollbeck Lane/Knollbeck CrescentKnollbeck Lane/Pontefract RoadKnollbeck Lane/Westfield RoadKnott LaneKnowefield AvenueKnutsford StreetKyle StreetLaburnum AvenueLaburnum RoadLaburnum TerraceLadbroke RoadLadbrook RdLadybank Road ShopsLady RoadLadywellLaird'S Hill PlaceLakey LaneLambton Arms PhLambton Pleasure ParkLambton Worm PhLamont CrescentLancaster CourtLancaster Road (Stop E)Lancaster Road (Stop F)Lancaster Street (Stop A)Lancaster Street (Stop B)LandedmansLane CrescentLane EndLangdale AvenueLangdale StreetLangsett Avenue/Don AvenueLangshaw HouseLangton StreetLangworthyLangworthy RoadLansdowne CrescentLansdowne RoadLansdowne Road (Stop C)Lanshaw ViewLanshaw WalkLarch Tree AvenueLarchwayLarkhill ViewLascelles TerraceLasswade GroveLatham LaneLathbury RoadLaugherne BrookLaurel GroveLauriston BuildingLauriston PlaceLavelock LeaLavender RoadLayby
Layerthorpe AsdaLayton AvenueLazenby RoadLcc PrintworksLea Bridge Road / Upper Clapton Road (Stop S)Lea Bridge Roundabout (Stop L)Lea Bridge Roundabout (Stop T)Lea Bridge Station (Stop Ln)Leamington TerraceLea RdLearmonth TerraceLearning CentreLea ViewLeeds Bus Station EntranceLeeds RoadLeeming CloseLees Brewery (Stop A)Leesbrook MillLees Mill LaneLee Smith StreetLees New RoadLees Post Office (Stop A)Lees Post Office (Stop B)Lees RoadLees StreetLee StreetLee Street (Stop A)Lee Street (Stop B)Lee Valley Ice Centre (Stop P)Lee Valley Ice Centre (Stop W)Lee Valley Riding Centre (Stop N)Lee Valley Riding Centre (Stop X)Legge LaneLeigh CommonLeighton StreetLeisure CentreLeith Street (Stop Ja)Leith Street (Stop Jb)Leith Street (Stop Jc)Leith Street (Stop Jd)Leith TheatreLenten PoolLeominster RoadLeonard StreetLeopold Place (Stop Ec)Leopold Place (Stop Ee)Leppings Lane/Eskdale RoadLeppings Lane/Farndale RoadLeppings Lane/Leake RoadLeppings Lane/Vere RoadLesbourne Road (Stop M)Lewis RoadLeyburn RoadLeygards LaneLeyland RoadLey Street (Stop Nk)Liberton CemeteryLiberton PlaceLibraryLibrary And MuseumLichfield AvenueLidgate CloseLidgett HillLidlLightbowne ChurchLightbowne RoadLily LaneLily LanesLime AvenueLimeditch RoadLimefield ParkLime GroveLimehurst SchoolLimekiln WyndLime LaneLime RoadLincoln RoadLincoln StreetLincoln Street (Stop A)Lincoln Street (Stop B)Lincombe MountLinfit FoldLingards Rd Dowry FarmLingards Rd Springfield AveLingards RoadLingdale RoadLingmoor RoadLinn GardensLinskill Terrace-Grey StreetLinskill Terrace-Jackson StreetLinskill Terrace-Washington TceLinstock WayLion BrowLion HotelLion Lane (Stop C)Lion StreetLiphill FarmListon StreetLittle Catterton LaneLittle ChefLittle France RoadLittle France (Stop If)Little France (Stop Ik)Little Heath (Stop E)Little LaneLittlemill PrimaryLittlemill RoadLittle RoadLittleton RoadLittlewood StreetLittleworth CommonLiverpool StreetLivery DoleLivesey StreetLivingstone ParkLlangwyfan SanitoriumLoaningLoaning RoadLocberbie AcademyLochbrowan CrescentLochee ParkLochrin BuildingsLochside CrescentLochside PlaceLoch StreetLochviewLoch ViewLode Heath SchoolLodge EntranceLodge LaneLodwick StreetLoganlea RoadLondon Place (Stop Ck)London Road Park And RideLong Bank - Eighton LodgeLongfellow CrescentLongford StreetLonglands DriveLonglands RoadLong LaneLongley Avenue West/Fairbank RoadLongley Avenue West/Musgrave DriveLongley Avenue West/Shirecliffe RoadLongley StreetLongmead CloseLongmoor CloseLongroyd BridgeLongroyd LaneLongwood GateLongwood Gate Edge TerraceLongwood Gate Prospect RoadLongwood Gate St Marks RoadLongwood Rd Harp RoadLongwood Rd Quarmby RoadLongwood Road LowergateLonsdale CourtLonsdale RoadLoons RoadLord Lawson Of Beamish AcademyLord North StreetLords AvenueLord StreetLord Williams Upper SchoolLoring StreetLorne StreetLovell ParkLove Ln St Oswalds AveLovers LaneLow Crompton RoadLower HeyLower Hey LaneLower Lime RoadLower Oxford St Beancroft RoadLowerplace Primary School (Stop G)Lower SummerlandsLow Marishes Lane EndLow OusegateLow RoadLowry Hill Road EndLoxton CourtLucas LaneLudgate RoadLulworth RdLuzley RoadLydgateLymegate/Smithy Bridge LaneLynchgate RdLyndaleLyndon CloseLyndon RdLynton AvenueMacdonald CrescentMacdonaldsMackeson RoadMadeira CroftMaes DerwenMaes LlanMafeking RoundaboutMaghull High SchoolMaguire AvenueMainholm RoadMain LodgeMain RoadMain StreetMain Street/Norfolk HillMain Street/Salt Box LaneMain Street/Vicarage RoadMainwayMainway EastMajors CornerMalcolm StreetMaldon DriveMallyan HotelMalta MillManchester Communication Academy (Stop E)Manchester Golf ClubManchester New RoadManchester Rd The Great Western PhManchester RoadManchester Road (Stop A)Manchester Town Hall (Stop Sb)Mandley ParkManorManor Farm AvenueManor Green Primary AcademyManor HeathManor RdManor RoadManor StreetMansefield RoadManse RoadManygate LaneMaple AvenueMaple DriveMaple RoadMarcot RoadMarden EstateMaree DriveMare & FoalMare Street / Narrow Way (Stop R)Marfleet AvenueMargaret Rose AvenueMargaret StreetMargaret TerraceMarguerita RoadMarie Curie HospiceMarina AvenueMarina CloseMarina WayMarine CampMarionville AvenueMarionville DriveMarionville ParkMarionville RoadMarkeaton HillMarketMarket CloseMarket Hall (Stand L)Market Hall (Stand O)Market HouseMarket PlaceMarket (Stop Sm)Market (Stop St)Market Street Paddock FootMarkhouse Road (Stop Lg)Markhouse Road (Stop Lk)Markland HillMarlborough DriveMarlborough RoadMarler RdMarsden Fall LaneMarsden FcMarsden Hard EndMarsden Health CentreMarsden Market PlaceMarsden Station SouthMarshalls RoundaboutMarshall StreetMarsh LaneMarston RdMartins WayMartlesham Park And RideMason AvenueMast DriveMatthew GroveMatthew Lane Colders LnMauchline RoadMaudslay RdMayfield GardensMayfield PlaceMayfield RoadMayfield StreetMayor StreetMcculloch DriveMcdonaldsMeadow Bank CloseMeadowcroft LaneMeads SchoolMean LaneMeasham GroveMechanics InstituteMediacityukMedical PracticeMedlock RoadMeggetland TerraceMelbourne RdbtMelbourne RoadMelbourne StreetMeldrum StreetMellor Road (Stop D)Mellor StreetMelrose GardensMeltham Mills Road Harewood MountMeltham MorrisonsMeltham Rd Badger BridgeMeltham Rd Badger GateMeltham Rd Gate HeadMeltham Rd Gatehead BankMeltham Rd Stubbin RdMeltham Rd Woods AvenueMeltham Scout & Guide CentreMelton AveMemorialMemorial Gardens S4Memorial HallMercer AvenueMerchiston Castle SchoolMerchiston ParkMerevale RdMerton AvenueMetal BridgeMethodist ChurchMichael Faraday AvenueMickelover Court HotelMicklegateMickleover TurnMiddleton ArenaMiddleton Bus DepotMiddleton Bus StationMiddleton Bus Station (Stand D)Middleton Bus Station (Stand F)Middleton Bus Station (Stand G)Middleton Bus Station (Stand H)Middleton Bus Station (Stand K)Middleton Bus Station (Stand L)Middleton Junction (Stop C)Middleton Junction (Stop D)Middleton ParkMiddleton Pk CircusMiddleton Pk GroveMiddleton RoadMiddlewood Road/Dixon RoadMiddlewood Road/Dykes Hall RoadMiddlewood Road/Leader RoadMiddlewood Road/Lennox RoadMiddlewood Road/Marion RoadMiddlewood Road/Minto RoadMiddlewood Road/Shepperson RoadMiddlewood Road/Taplin RoadMidland RoadMid LibertonMildmay Park / Southgate Road (Stop Cc)Mileash LaneMillbank GarageMill Bank RoadMill Bank Road Weavers CourtMillbrook DriveMiller And CarterMillers BridgeMiller StreetMillfieldMillfields Road Lower Clapton (Stop G)Mill Fold RoadMill GateMill LaneMill Moor RoadMill RiseMill RoadMill Road/St Wandrilles CloseMillsands/Bridge StreetMills Hill Station (Stop A)Mills Hill Station (Stop B)Mill SquareMill Street ShopsMillwood ValeMilne StreetMilnrowMilnrow Memorial ParkMilnrow RoadMilnrow Shopping PrecinctMilray AvenueMilton Crescent (Stop Er)Milton DriveMinden Close Halfpenny LaneMinto StreetMirfield RoadMitchell AveMoat House LaneMolyneux WayMonsallMonsall Metrolink (Stop A)Monsall Metrolink (Stop B)Monsall RoadMonsall Street (Stop E)Monsall Street (Stop F)Montreal ParadeMoonshine Lane/Galsworthy RoadMoonshine Lane/Southey RiseMoore Street/Ecclesall RoadMoorhouse FoldMoorland AvenueMoorlands CrescentMoorlynMoor RoadMoorside RoadMoor StreetMoor View Westfield AveMoorville TerraceMoorway DriveMorden GreenMornington CrescentMornington RoadMorpeth Cottage HospitalMorrisonsMorrisons Supermarket (Entrance)Morston Hall RoadMortonhall CrematoriumMortonhall Park AvenueMortonhall Park GardensMorton RoadMorton StreetMorwick FarmMoss Avenue (Stop D)Moss Bank ParkMoss Gate RoadMosshill Ind EstateMossley ParkMossley Rail Station (Stop B)Mossley Rail Station (Stop C)Mossley RoadMoss StreetMoston CemeteryMoston LaneMoston Rail Station (Stop L)Moston Rail Station (Stop M)Moston RoadMoston Road (Stop E)Moston Road (Stop F)Mostyn StreetMotorway Service Area (Entrance)Mottram Old RoadMottram RoadMough LaneMount Pleasant Clerkenwell (Stop Cf)Mount Pleasant Clerkenwell (Stop Ck)Mount RdMount RoadMount StMount StreetMount ValeMowers ArmsMuchall RdMuirfield DriveMuirhouse AvenueMuirhouse GardensMuirhouse HubMuirhouse ViewMuirton RoadMurray AvenueMurrayburn ParkMurrayfield RoadMurroes SchoolMuseumMuseum Street (Stand 1)Museum Street (Stand 3)Museum Street (Stop C)Museum Street (Stop E)Muspratt RoadNabbs LaneNant GlydNapier Street EastNavigation InnNaylor StreetNeal AvenueNelson CloseNelson'S LaneNelson TavernNeston RoadNetherfield RoadNetherley DriveNew Allen StreetNew Bank StreetNew Barn RoadNewboldNewbold StreetNewbury Park Station (Stop Na)Newbury Park Station (Stop Nb)Newcastle Airport Ponteland RoadNewcastle Airport TerminalNewcliffe RoadNew Cross (Stop Ef)New Cumnock Golf ClubNew Earth StreetNewfieldNewhall BankNew Hall CottagesNewhall GardensNewhaven RoadNewheyNewhey Terminus (Stop E)Newhey Terminus (Stop F)Newington RoadNewman Rc CollegeNewman Street (Stop D)Newmarket StreetNew Moston Junior SchoolNew Moston LibraryNew Moston ShopsNewport ParkNew Qeii Hospital (Stop A)New Qeii Hospital (Stop B)New RoadNewsagentNew StreetNew Street Fire StationNew SwanstonNewtoft StreetNewton Heath & MostonNewton Heath & Moston Metrolink (Stop A)Newton Heath & Moston Metrolink (Stop B)Newton Heath Post OfficeNewton Heath Terminus (Stop F)Newton Primary SchoolNewton StreetNields RoadNire RoadNo. 129Norden CloseNorden VillageNorfolk Hill/Penistone RoadNorfolk Hill/The FrostingsNorley RoadNorman RoadNorman StreetNorthbrook Road (Stop Vc)Northbrook Road (Stop Vm)North Chadderton SchoolNorthchurch Road Canonbury (Stop Ee)Northchurch Road Canonbury (Stop Eh)Northern GatewayNorthfield Road/Eastfield RoadNorthfield Road/Heavygate RoadNorthfield Road/Loxley View RoadNorthfield Road/Netherfield RoadNorthfield Road/Northfield AvenueNorthfield Road/Northfield CloseNorthfolk TerraceNorthgate StreetNorthlands RoundaboutNorth Lingwell RoadNorth Lodge EstateNorth Manchester General Hospital (Stop A)North Manchester General Hospital (Stop C)North Manchester General Hospital (Stop D)North Manchester General Hospital (Stop E)North Manchester General Hospital (Stop F)North Manchester General Hospital (Stop G)North Manchester General Hospital (Stop H)Northolt DriveNorth RoadNorth Road-CarrmyersNorth Road (Stop A)North Road (Stop D)Northstead AvenueNorthwayNorth Werber ParkNorthwold DriveNorwood Avenue/Edensor RoadNorwood Avenue/Fairbank RoadNottingham Street/Fox StreetNottingham Street/Pilgrim StreetNottingham Street/Pitsmoor RoadNottingham Street/Rock StreetNov FactoryNth Chadderton Upper SchoolNumberNunroyd AvenueNursery StreetNursery Street/Johnson StreetNursery Street/SpitalfieldsNutfield RoadNuthurst RoadOak AvenueOak BankOakdale MillOakenrod HillOakfold AvenueOak InnOaklands RoadOak RoadOaks Lane (Stop Nc)Oak StreetOak Tree InnOak View MillOakwell MountOakwood ClockOasis Academy LeesbrookOckendon Road (Stop Ef)Old AvenueOld Ball InnOld Bond Street /Royal Academy (Stop G)Old Bond Street /Royal Academy (Stop L)Old Bulls HeadOld Cattle Market Bus Station (Stand H)Old Durham Road-St Edmunds RoadOld Ebford LaneOld Edge Lane (Stop F)Old Edge Lane (Stop G)Old Grey MareOld Hall LaneOldham Academy North (Stop A)Oldham Academy North (Stop B)Oldham Bus StationOldham Bus Station (Stand A)Oldham Bus Station (Stand B)Oldham Bus Station (Stand C)Oldham Bus Station (Stand D)Oldham Bus Station (Stand E)Oldham Bus Station (Stand F)Oldham Bus Station (Stand G)Oldham Bus Station (Stand H)Oldham Bus Station (Stand J)Oldham Bus Station (Stand K)Oldham Bus Station (Stand L)Oldham Bus Station (Stand M)Oldham CentralOldham CollegeOldham College (Stop Ra)Oldham Golf ClubOldham Kidney Care CentreOldham Kidney Care Centre (Stop K)Oldham King StreetOldham MumpsOldham Mumps Interchange (Stop A)Oldham Mumps Interchange (Stop B)Oldham Mumps Interchange (Stop C)Oldham Mumps Interchange (Stop D)Oldham Mumps Interchange (Stop E)Oldham Mumps Interchange (Stop F)Oldham RoadOldham Road (Stop A)Oldham Road (Stop C)Oldham Road (Stop D)Oldham Road (Stop E)Old HospitalOld LaneOld Malton SchoolOld Market StreetOld Mill HouseOld Mill LaneOld Moor LaneOld New Inn PhOld Park Lane / Hard Rock Cafe (Stop D)Old RoadOld Roan Station (Stop D)Old Roan Station (Stop E)Old SchoolOld School CloseOld School CourtOld SpringsOld StreetOld Witney RoadOlive BranchOlton ParkOnslow CrescentOozewood RoadOrchard Brae AvenueOrchardhead LoanOrchardhead RoadOrchard PlaceOrchard RoadOrmonde AvenueOrrell Park Station (Stop E)Osbaston CloseOsborne RoadOsborne StreetOtago StreetOtley TurnOur Lady'S High SchoolOutcote BankOutletOval DriveOverdale RdOxford StreetOxgangs AvenueOxgangs LibraryOxgangs Primary SchoolOxgangs TerraceOxhill CrossingsOxton Lane EndOyster Park SchoolPackington Street (Stop A)Packington Street (Stop K)Paddock BrowPaddock HeadPaddock LanePaget StreetPalace RoadPalatine StreetPalmer ClosePalmersgillPalm StreetPannett ParkParade (Stop A)Parade (Stop B)Parham Drive (Stop Ec)Parish ChurchParkPark AvenuePark Avenue WestPark ClosePark DalePark End Street (Stop D5)Park EntrancePark GatesPark Head LaneParkhead TerminusPark Hill RoundaboutParkhurst AvenueParkin Lane Holmfirth RdParklandsPark LaneParkmount RoadPark NorthPark ParadePark RoadPark Road WestPark SquarePark Street/Gower StreetPark Street/Lundhill RoadPark Street/Market PlacePark Street/Reginald RoadPark Street (Stop E)Park Street (Stop H)Park TerracePark Terrace-Hawthorne DrivePark ViewPark View School - Deanery SitePark View School - North LodgePark View (Stop B)Paulden DrivePeacroft LanePeartree LanePeary StreetPeasholme GreenPeats CornerPeel RoadPeel StreetPeel Street (Stop H3)Pelham StreetPelican PlacePemberton RoadPembroke StreetPembury Circus (Stop Y)Pendle DrivePendleton Church (Stop S)Pendleton Church (Stop T)Penistone Road/Blacksmith LanePenistone Road/Norfolk HillPenistone Road North/Carwell LanePenistone Road North/Clay Wheels LanePenistone Road North/Wardsend Road NorthPennhouse AvenuePennine ClosePennine ViewPennington ClosePerdrixknowePerth Road (Stop Le)Perth StreetPeterloo Medical CentrePetersfield AvenuePeter StreetPetworth Road (Stop E)Pharmaceutical FactoryPhilips ParkPhillipersPiccadilly Circus (Stop B)Piccadilly Circus (Stop S)Piccadilly Gardens (Stop A)Piccadilly Gardens (Stop B)Piccadilly Gardens (Stop D)Piccadilly Gardens (Stop F)Piccadilly Gardens (Stop Q)Pickford LanePickford StreetPier AvenuePierce AvePike Fold Primary SchoolPilrig StreetPilton CrescentPilton DrivePinetree CourtPine Tree RoadPinfold LanePink Bank LanePinkhouse CornerPirnie PlacePitsmoor Road/Minna RoadPitsmoor Road/Pinfold LanePitsmoor Road/Rutland RoadPitville StreetPixiefieldsPlant Hill RoadPlas Gwyn FarmPlas PigotPlas Yn Rhos FarmPlayfair RoadPleasant StreetPlodder LanePlough And HarrowPolice HeadquartersPolice Hq Road EndPolice StationPolice Station (Stop Aj)Polquheys RoadPolwarth CrescentPolwarth Parish ChurchPolwarth ParkPolwarth TerracePontefract BarracksPontefract CrematoriumPontefract Road/Brampton StreetPontefract Road/Melton StreetPontefract TanshelfPonteland Rd-Hawthorn CottagePonteland Road-Bee CroftPonteland Road-Bullock SteadsPonteland Road - Green LanePonteland Road - Newcastle AirportPonteland Road-South DrivePonteland Road - The PaddockPontop Road EndPontruffyddPool Meadow Bus Station (Stand T)Poplar Drive ShopsPoplar LanePortal GrovePortland Drive EastPortland Drive FlatsPortman StreetPortobello InnPortobello RoadPortobello Town HallPort Of LiverpoolPost OfficePotternewton LanePotters LanePowick TurnPrecinctPrescot ClosePrescott LanePreston Road-HospitalPrestwich StreetPrestwick Road EndPriest And SowPrimary SchPrimary SchoolPrimrose BankPrimrose HillPrimrose LanePrince Charles AvenuePrince Charlie StreetPrince'S ParkPrincess Alice HospicePrincess StreetPrinces StreetPrinces Street (Stop Pd)Princes Street (Stop Pk)Princes Street (Stop Pq)Princes Street (Stop Pu)Prince Street (Stop B)Printers ArmsPrintworks (Stop Np)Prior Road DepotPriory DrivePriory RoadProsen PlaceProspect HillProspect RoadProspect TerracePuckersley InnPudding LanePulleyn DrivePunch TavernQuarry GardensQuebec StreetQueen Alexandra CollegeQueen Alexandra RoadQueen Margaret AcademyQueensferry Street (Stop Qc)Queensferry Street (Stop Qd)Queens GardensQueens HeadQueens Lane (Stop J3)Queens ParkQueen'S ParkQueens Road Bus DepotQueens Road (Stop B)Queens Road (Stop D)Queens Road (Stop E)Queens Road (Stop F)Queen'S Road (Stop L)Queen StreetQuernmore RoadQuick Edge LaneQuick RoadRacecourse RoadRadcliffe RoadRadcliffe Street (Stop A)Radcliffe Street (Stop B)Radlett RoadRadstock WayRaf FylingdalesRail Station (Stop Rc)Rail Station (Stop Rj)Railway BridgeRailway InnRailway RoadRailway StationRailway Station (Stand C)Railway Station (Stand R1)Railway Station (Stop D)Railway Station (Stop R1)Railway StreetRailway TerraceRaith DriveRamornie CloseRamsay StreetRamseyston AvenueRamsey StreetRamsgate RoadRamsgill DriveRaphael DriveRavenscar AvenueRavenscroft PlaceRavensknowle FarmRaven SquareRavensworth RoadR D & E HospitalRecreation GroundRectoryRedcot LaneRedford BarracksRedheughs AvenueRedhill Bus Station (Stop 3)Redhill Bus Station (Stop 4)Redhill DriveRed House FarmRed Lion PhRed Lion Square (Stop A)Red Lion Square (Stop G)Redree PlaceRed Rose GarageRed Rose InnRedwood AvenueRedwood LaneReeds CrescentReeve LodgeRegency CloseRegency GardensReigate Grammar SchoolReservoir StreetResolution WayRestalrig DriveRestalrig GardensRetail ParkRetford GroveRetford StreetRevolutionRex CloseRh For Children & Young People (Stop Ie)Rh For Children & Young People (Stop Il)Rhodes HillRibble AvenueRice Lane And Walton Station (Stop A)Rice Lane And Walton Station (Stop B)Rice Lane And Walton Station (Stop F)Richmond RoadRidgefield StreetRidge Hill LaneRidgewood Avenue (Stop C)Ridgway StreetRiding HillRiley AvenueRing RoadRipley Street/Dodd StreetRipon StreetRipponden RoadRishton LaneRiverbankRivermeadRivermead AvenueRiverpark RoadRiverside Cricket GroundRiverside RoadRoad EndRobinson StreetRobson TerraceRochdale CemeteryRochdale InterchangeRochdale Interchange (Stand A)Rochdale Interchange (Stand C)Rochdale Interchange (Stand F)Rochdale Interchange (Stand L)Rochdale Railway StationRochdale RoadRochdale Road (Stop A)Rochdale Road (Stop E)Rochdale Road (Stop F)Rochdale Road (Stop Lh)Rochdale Town CentreRoche RoadRochester CloseRockfield StreetRockingham CloseRock Street/Andover StreetRock Street/Marcus DriveRock Street/Nottingham StreetRock Street/Pye Bank RoadRock ViewRoden Street (Stop C)Roman RoadRook RowRoosevelt RoadRoscoe StreetRose AvenueRosebank RoadRosebery Avenue Clerkenwell (Stop Ce)Rose Cottage FlatsRose CrescentRosecroftRosefield CrescentRosefield Crescent (Stop A)Rosemary DriveRose StreetRose Street-Morrison StreetRoston RoadRough Heanor RoadRoughtown CourtRoughtown RoadRougier StreetRoundaboutRoundabout At Town CentreRoundhay Road TescoRoundthorn RoadRowden RoadRowood DriveRoxburgh StreetRoyal Botanic GardenRoyal British Legion
Royal Derby HospitalRoyal GeorgeRoyal HotelRoyal Infirmary (Stop Io)Royal Mail OfficeRoyal OakRoyal Oak Road (Stop F)Royal Oak Road (Stop Z)Royal Oldham Hospital (Stop A)Royal Oldham Hospital (Stop B)Royal Oldham Hospital (Stop C)Royal Oldham Hospital (Stop D)Royds AvenueRoyston Mains GardensRoyton & Crompton SchoolRudgateRushycroftRuskin RoadRussington RoadRustic CottagesRuswarp LaneRutherglen DriveRuthin Co-OpRuthin War MemorialRyde StreetRyecroft Hall (Stop D)RyelandsSaddlecote CloseSaddlers ArmsSaddleworth SchoolSadler'S Wells Theatre (Stop Ub)Sadler'S Wells Theatre (Stop Uc)Saggar StreetSalford Royal Hospital (Stop A)Salford Royal Hospital (Stop B)Salford Shopping Centre (Stop A)Salford Shopping Centre (Stop L)Salisbury PlaceSaltergate InnSalvesen CrescentSalveson GardensSamson StreetSandbachSandburn WoodSandcross LaneSanderling RoadSandfield RoadSandhills RoadSandhills Station (Stop A)Sandhole ClubSandhole LaneSandown ParkSandown StreetSandy Bank RdSandyford RoadSandygate/Festival RoadSandygate/Riley RoadSandy LaneSansome RdSaville StreetSaxon StreetScarman RdScholes DriveScholes Lane EndScholes StreetSchoolSchool CrescentSchool LaneSchool RoadScilly IslesScorers Lane EndScothern LaneScotland Hall RoadScott StreetSeabrook AvenueSeabrook MewsSeacroft HospitalSeacroft Ring RoadSeacroft The GreenSeaforth RoadSeaforth Station (Stop A)Seaforth Station (Stop B)Sea Street Gas WorksSea Street RoundaboutSeaview TerraceSedgeford RoadSeeds LaneSeething Wells / Kingston Uni CampusSeething Wells / Kingston Uni Campus (Stop Nv)Sefton DriveSerpentine GreenSevenacresSeventh AvenueSeven WellsSeymour AvenueSeymour GroveSeymour StreetSgt Mark Stansfield WayShabbington TurnShadows LaneShaftesbury Jct AShaftesbury Jct BShaftesbury TerraceShanghai WongShankston CrescentSharon AvenueSharples Hall StreetShaw And CromptonShaw & Crompton Metrolink (Stop G)Shawfield LaneShawford RoadShaw RoadShaw Road (Stop C)Shaw Road (Stop D)Shaw Road (Stop E)Shaws TerraceShaw Town Centre (Stop C)Shaw Town Centre (Stop D)Sheepfoot LaneSheepscar JunctionShell GarageShellies BridgeShelterShepperton Station ApproachSherborne RoadSheriff AveSheriff StreetSherridge RoadSherwood CloseSherwoods LaneSherwood StreetShetland CloseShevington High SchoolShield Row LaneShilvington JunctionShirecliffe Road/Musgrave RoadShirecliffe Road/Standish DriveShirley Rail StnShirley Rd EastsideShirley RoadSholver LaneSholver TerminusShopping Centre (Stop J)ShopsShortlands Road (Stop Wj)ShrubhillShrubland Road (Stop Ea)Shrub StreetSidingSilver HillSilverknowes Terminus (Stop 2)Sinclairston DriveSixth AvenueSkelcher RdSkipton Rd Dradishaw RoadSkipton Rd Foster AvenueSlack LaneSlaithwaite CemeterySlaithwaite ReverserSlaithwaite RoadSlaithwaite Road Lower HeySlaithwaite Road MoorviewSlant GateSleigh DriveSleights BridgeSleights Carrhill LaneSlingsby GroveSlip RoadSlipshatch RoadSloan AvenueSmallburnSmallshaw LaneSmedley Road (Stop A)Smethurst LaneSmiddySmith AvenueSmithstone CrescentSmith StreetSmithySmithybridge LibrarySmithy Bridge StationSnig Hill/Cg9Snipe WaySoane StreetSolar Road (Stop B)Solihull HospitalSolihull Town Centre (Stop Sc)Solway LodgeSomers CloseSomerset RoadSomertonSonning AvenueSonning DriveSorn StreetSouthbank BSouthbank DSouthboundSouth BridgeSouthbrook RoadSouth ChaddertonSouthcote RoadSouth Craven School GroundsSouthey Hill/North Hill RoadSouthey Hill/Southey Green RoadSouthfield DriveSouthfield RoadSouth Fort StreetSouthgate Road (Stop Bh)South Gyle Crescent LaneSouth Gyle Trade ParkSouthhouse LoanSouth Kingennie Road EndSouth Lane/Cumberland StreetSouth ViewSouth View Crescent (Stop Es)Southview RoadSouth View - Watsons GarageSpa LaneSpar ShopSpeedwell Street (Stop S1)Spencer PlaceSpencer WaySpires AcademySpiritualist ChurchSplit Crow Road-Clyde StreetSplit Crow Road-Fife StreetSportsman DriveSpread EagleSpringbank LaneSpringfield LaneSpring GardensSpring GroveSpringhill LaneSpring Hill LaneSpring LaneSpring RoadSprings LaneSprings RoadSpring Street (Stop E)Spring Street (Stop F)Spring ValeSpring Vale WaySpringwood Hall RoadSpriteshall LaneSpurn PointSpurway RoadSpylaw BankSt Aelhaiarn`S ChurchStafford StreetSt Agnes RoadStainbeck LaneStaines HillStakehill RoundaboutStamford DriveStamford ParkStamford RoadStamford StreetStamford Street (Stop D)Stampstone StreetStand 4St Andrew'S PlaceStanhope StreetStanley Bus Station Stand EStanley Bus Station Stand FStanley RoadStanley StreetStannard Road (Stop C)Stannard Road (Stop D)St Ann'S RoadStansfield Road TopStanstead RoadStanycliffe LaneStar InnStarley Rd (Stop Cr2)Starley Rd (Stop Cr4)Station ForecourtStation HouseStation Lane Cedar WalkStation Lane Featherstone StationStation Lane (Stop F3)Station Rd Steeton Hall GardensStation Rd (Stop Af)Station RestaurantStation RoadStation Road-Arts CentreStation Road-BridgeStation Road-Chicken RoadStation Road-Dorset AvenueStation Road GarageStation Road/High StreetStation Road JunctionStation Road Low FoldStation Road-Mullen RoadStation Road North-Hotspur RoadStation Road-North RoadStation Road-Queens CrescentStation Road Steeton & Silsden StnStation Road (Stop A)Station Road (Stop B)Station Road (Stop D)Station Road (Stop S2)Station Road-St Pauls DriveStation Road - Town CentreStation Road -Town CentreStation Road-WesterdaleStation Road-Whitley RoadStation Road-Wiltshire DriveStation Road - Worm Hill TerraceSt Augustine StreetStavertonSt BarnabasSt Benedicts Bus ParkSt Benedicts SchoolSt Chads CrescentSt Christopher'S RoadSt Clare HouseSt Clements Street (Stop C)St Cuthberts High SchoolSt Cuthbert'S High SchoolSt Damian'S Rc Science College (Stop A)St Damian'S Rc Science College (Stop B)St Damian'S Rc Science College (Stop F)St David'S CloseSt Edward'S ChurchSteep CloseStevenson DriveStewarts LaneSt George & Dragon HotelSt George'S Primary SchoolStirling Industrial EstateSt James ChurchSt James Road (Stop H)St James Square (Stop Wb)St John Fisher SchoolSt John Rigby CollegeSt John'SSt John'S ChurchSt Johns Church (Stop Cs1)St Johns Church (Stop Cs4)St Johns DriveSt Johns High SchoolSt Johns RoadSt John'S RoadSt John'S SquareSt John Street / Goswell Road (Stop M)St John Street / Goswell Road (Stop P)St John Street (Stop C)St JosephsSt Joseph'S High SchoolSt Katherine'S BraeSt Leonard'S HospiceSt Leonard'S RoadSt Lukes CampusSt Margaret'S ParkSt Martins GreenSt Martins RoadSt Marys ChurchSt Mary'S ChurchSt Mary'S Gate (Stop Nd)St Marys Lane/Church StreetSt Mary'S Nursing HomeSt Mary'S RoadSt Mary'S Road (Stop U)St Mary'S WaySt Mary'S Way (Stop Yc)St Mary'S Way (Stop Yz)St Matthew'S High SchoolSt Matthew'S Primary SchoolSt Maurices Sec SchoolSt Michaels ChurchSt Michaels Road/Cross HillSt Michaels Road/High StreetStockfield RoadStockheld LaneStockport RoadStocks ApproachStocks LaneStocks RiseStockton HallStockton Primary SchoolStonebowStonebridge AvenueStoneleigh StreetStones Lane Chapel HillStones Lane High House LnStoneswoodStoney Battery RoadStoresStormont TerraceStottfieldSt Patrick SquareSt Pauls Hill RoadSt Peter'S High SchoolSt Peter'S Primary SchoolSt Peter'S SchoolSt Peter'S Square (Platform 1)St Peter'S Square (Platform 3)St Peter'S Square (Stop Sf)Strand RoadStrangewaysSt Raphael'S Church (Stop Up)St Raphael'S Church (Stop Ut)Strathmore AvenueStrattonhall DriftStreetbridge InnStreet CottagesStreetfieldSt Richard'S SchoolSt ThomasSt Thomas' HallStuart AvenueStuart Road AStubbin RoadStubbs RdStump Cross Road/Park RoadStutton CrossroadsStutton Road ShopsSt Werburgh'S RoadSt Wilfrids Rc High SchoolSuffield CloseSuffield RoadSuffolk OneSuffolk RoadSummer Hill CloughSunderland Road-BungalowsSunderland Road-Byron WalkSunderland Road-Chad HouseSunderland Road - Felling MetroSunderland Road-GarageSunderland Road-Holly HillSunderland Road - Kirkwood GardensSunderland Road-LodgeSunderland Road-Moore StreetSunderland Road-St James CourtSunfield AvenueSunfield LaneSun InnSunningdale RoadSunnybankSunny Bank ParkSunny Brow RoadSunny HeysSunny Heys RoadSunny Heys WestSunnyside CornerSunny TerraceSurbiton RoadSurgeons' HallSurgerySutton LaneSutton Lane EndSutton RoadSutton StreetSwainson RoadSwangate/MeadowgateSwansea RoadSwanston RoadSwan StreetSwan WalkSweeps BridgeSycamore AvenueSycamore DriveSydney PlaceTadcaster Industrial EstateTadcaster RoadTaiglum PlaceTalbot Farm NurseryTalking PointTame LaneTameside General HospitalTameside General Hospital (Stop C)Tame StreetTamewater CourtTandle Hill RoadTanglyn AvenueTankerton CircusTatton RoadTaunton RoadTaylor StreetTelephone ExchangeTempleTen Acres LaneTen Acres Lane (Stop F)Ten Acres Lane (Stop G)Tenby RoadTennyson AvenueTen Shilling WoodTescoTesco Store (Stop B)Tesco SuperstoreTetlow LaneTeviot HouseTeviot StreetThe Antler ClubThe ArchesThe Auction HouseThe AvenueThe BaldwinThe BarlowThe BarracksThe BellThe Billy GoatThe BirchesThe Black BullThe Broadway-Beach RoadThe Broadway-CrosswayThe Broadway-Ealing DriveThe Broadway-KennersdeneThe Broadway-Mast LaneThe Buckles InnThe BullThe CarrsThe ColebrookThe Common/Minster RoadThe Common/Station RoadThe Common/Washington RoadThe CourtyardThe CravenThe CrematoriumThe CrescentThe CresentThe CrownThe Cutting RoomThe Dalesway PhThe DriftThe DriveThe Drive-SchoolThe Drive-Sycamore GroveThe East Manchester AcademyThe EsplanadeThe EvenlodeThe Fairview InnThe FairwayThe FoxThe FurrowsThe Gateway (Stop E)The GlenThe Gosling BridgeThe GossamersThe Gossamers ShopsThe GrangeThe Grange AcademyThe GrapesThe Great NorthernThe GreenThe Gunmakers ArmsThe Hand And ShearsThe HavenThe HeightsThe HillwayThe HollybushThe HorseshoeThe Huntsman PhThe JackdawThe Journeys EndThe LadysmithThe Leeds ArmsThe LeylandsThe Link CentreThe Marriott HotelThe MaudsleyThe ModerationThe MooringsThe MoorsideThe Mound (Stop Md)The MountThe NelsonThe Old Lodge HotelThe Old School HouseThe OrchardThe OrchardsThe OvalThe ParkThe PloughThe Polar BearThe Priory Pembroke AcademyThe PyramidsThe Radclyffe SchoolThe RectoryThe Retreat DriveThe RiversideThe Royal OakThe SeagullThe ShiredaleThe SouthendThe Sportsman (Stop A)The Sportsman (Stop B)The Sportsman (Stop C)The Sportsman (Stop D)The Sportsman (Stop E)The Sportsman (Stop F)The SquareThe Square (Stop A)The Square (Stop B)The StrandThe StreetThe SwanThe Trafford Centre Bus Station (Stand 7)The Unicorn (Stop Ca)The Unicorn (Stop Cb)The Unicorn (Stop Cn)The UplandsThe VenueThe VictoriaThe VineriesThe WalkwayThe WheatsheafThe WillowsThe WindmillThe WoolpackThird AvenueThirlmere RoadThistle Street (Stop Gh)Thomas Mills SchoolThomasson Memorial SchoolThompson LaneThompson StreetThorkhill RoadThornbury AvenueThorncliffe AvenueThorner Lane EndThornfield GroveThornham LaneThornham New RoadThornham SummitThornhill Park And Ride (Stop B)Thornhill Park And Ride (Stop F)Thornhill RoadThornhill Road Ballroyd CloughThornhill Road Bull Green RdThornhill Road ShopsThorn LaneThornley LaneThornton CloseThornton CrossThornton Lodge RoadThornton Rd Ind EstThornton RoadThornton Road Industrial EstThornyflat RoadThorpe LaneThorp RoadThree Arch RoadThree CrownsThree MarinersThrostle Bank StreetThrostle CourtThrostle LaneThrupps LaneThurlston AveTile Hill Rail StationTiler'S WayTim Bobbin (Stop A)Tim Bobbin (Stop B)Tim Bobbin (Stop C)Timperley RoadTinker LaneTiverton Petroc CollegeToby InnTofthill PlaceToll CrescentTollgate Bus ShelterTop LaneTop Of Tidcombe LaneTorre RoadTottenham Court Road Station / New Oxford Street (Stop Y)Tottenham Court Road Station (Stop X)Touchet Hall RoadTouchwood Hall CloseTower Ramparts Bus Station (Stand Ee)Tower Ramparts Bus Station (Stand Ff)Tower StreetTown Centre Stances (Stance 3)Towncroft LaneTownfootTown HallTownley StreetTown StreetTrafalgar StreetTrafford BarTravelodgeTravis Street (Stop A)Travis Street (Stop B)Tredgold StreetTree House AvenueTrinity WayTrocadero / Haymarket (Stop K)Trowbridge RoadTrowers WayTrows LaneTudor Way-Brunton LaneTudor Way - Lydford CourtTudor Way-Petherton CourtTudor Way - Stuart CourtTullideph RoadTully Street SouthTunwell Avenue/Wordsworth AvenueTurf LaneTurf Lane (Stop C)Turf Lane (Stop D)Turf Pit LaneTurks HeadTurner StreetTurner Street (Stop Nz)Turning AreaTurning Circle WestboundTurton High SchoolTurton TowerTwechar Primary SchoolTwirl Hill RoadTwizell CottageTy CochTymm StreetTynemouth Road L-Angle TerraceTynemouth Road - Ravensworth StreetTynemouth Road-Rosehill RoadTyne RoadTyne Road EastTy`N-Yr-EithinTysoe Street (Stop Ch)Ulleries RdUmberton Road (Stop E)Under LaneUnderwood RoadUniversity Interchange (Stop Uw1)Upper Clough Rd Clough DriveUppermill Turning AreaUppermill Turning CircleUpper Monsall StreetUpper Park Road (Stop E)Upperthong SchoolUpton CloseUxbridge Road Surbiton (Stop L)Uxbridge Road Surbiton (Stop M)Vaal StreetVale AvenueVale CoppiceValentines Park (Stop Vb)Valentines Park (Stop Vp)Vale RoyalVale StreetValley GardensValley RoadVandaleur AvenueVant StreetVarley StreetVarsity Pitches (Stop Gh1)Varsity Pitches (Stop Gh2)Vaudrey LaneVevers RoadVicarage Rd Meg LaneVicarage RoadVicarage Road NorthVickers StreetVictoriaVictoria AvenueVictoria Avenue (Stop D)Victoria Bus Station (Stop D)Victoria JVictoria OVictoria ParkVictoria Rail Station (Stop Nw)Victoria Rail Station (Stop Ny)Victoria RdVictoria StreetVictoria TerraceVictory AvenueViewfield RoadViewforthVigo LaneVigo Lane-Cricket GroundVigo Lane - Firtree AvenueVigo Lane-Harwood CloseVigo Lane-Laburnhum AvenueVigo Lane-Sycamore AvenueVigo Lane-Woodlands SurgeryVillageVillage HallVillage Lane EndVillage SignVilla RoadVincent StVine StreetVitafoamVulcan StreetWadebridge RoadWade LockWaen CrossroadsWaggon & HorsesWaggon RoadWagon LaneWaingate/Cg13Waithlands RoadWaitroseWaitrose (Stop H)Wakefield RoadWakefield StreetWalker RoadWalker Road (Stop B)Walkers LaneWalkley Lane/Bessingby RoadWalkley Lane/Bowness RoadWalkley Lane/Speeton RoadWalkley Road/Palm LaneWalkley Road/Parsonage CrescentWalkley Road/Walkley Bank RoadWall Hill RoadWall StreetWalnut CrestWalthamstow Bus StationWalthamstow Bus Station (Stop A)Walton PrisonWalton Railway Station (Stop A)Walton Railway Station (Stop B)Wango LaneWansford GroveWarbreck Moor (Stop B)Wardieburn RoadWardie CrescentWardie RoadWard StreetWards ViewWarlow DriveWar MemorialWar Office RoadWarren GreenWarren LaneWarriston DriveWarriston GardensWarstones DriveWarwick Street (Stop Ee)WashacreWashington HospitalWashington ParadeWashington RoadWasties OrchardWatercolour CanalsideWatercolour Holmesdale AvenueWaterfields WayWaterhead AcademyWaterhead TerminusWaterloo StreetWatersideWaterstock TurnWaterworksWatford High Street Railway Station (Stop A)Watford High Street Railway Station (Stop B)Watford Junction Railway Station (Stop 5)Watling AvenueWatling Road EndWattisfield Road (Stop U)Waverley RoadWaverly RoadWeasteWelbeck AvenueWelbeck RoadWelbeck Street NorthWelburn LodgeWellesley DriveWellington MewsWellington RoadWellington Road-Collingwood TerraceWellington Road-Dunston RoadWellington Road-Nelson StreetWellington Road (Stop F)Wellington SquareWellington StreetWellington TerraceWellpark WalkWell RoadWells Green RdWells LaneWells RoadWell St (Stop Bs3)Well St (Stop Bs7)Wemyss DriveWemyss FarmWerneth ParkWernfechanWessenden Head RoadWest AvenueWestbrook FarmWestcar LaneWest DidsburyWest DriveWest End Ave Throstle CrestWester Hailes ParkWester Hill RoadWestern CemeteryWestern GeneralWestern Road JunctionWester RestennethWesterton Road EndWest Exe SouthWestfield AvenueWestfield RoadWestfield Road/SwangateWestgate (Stop E5)Westgill RoadWest Grange DriveWesthall RoadWesthoughton High SchoolWesthulme AvenueWestminster RoadWeston Road AcademyWeston StreetWest ParadeWestpark AvenueWestside Plaza (Stop 2)West Slaithwaite RoadWest StreetWest WayWestwoodWestwood AcademyWestwood CampusWestwood Metrolink (Stop A)Westwood Metrolink (Stop B)West WoodsWestwood WayWexford AvenueWeyland RoadWham LaneWharton RoadWheata Road/Tunwell AvenueWheatsheaf LaneWheler StreetWhickham Highway-Knightside GardensWhingrove AvenueWhiskeyhallWhitbrook WayWhitby AvenueWhitefield CrescentWhitegate LaneWhite GatesWhitehall LaneWhitehills HcccWhite HorseWhite Horse MewsWhitehouse StreetWhitelees RoadWhite-Le-Head GardensWhiteley StreetWhite LionWhitletts CourtWhitletts Pr SchoolWhitley RoadWhitley Road-Proctor & GambleWhitley Road-Quarry BridgeWhittaker StreetWhitwell HillWhitwell WayWhoberley CourtWichnor RdWidgeon WayWigan RoadWiggie LaneWildbrook CrescentWildwoodWilkes StreetWilliam Bree RdWilliamson Lane (Stop E)Williamson Lane (Stop F)Williams RoadWilliam StreetWillington SquareWillis BuildingWillow BankWillowbrook DriveWillows Lane (Stop C)Willows Lane (Stop E)Willow TavernWills RoadWilmcote Green ShopsWilshaw Lane (Stop C)Wilshaw Lane (Stop D)Wilson StreetWilton RoadWilton Street (Stop S)Wilton Street (Stop U)Wimbledon RoadWimpole Street (Stop Cc)Wince CloseWindermere AveWindermere RoadWindermere WalkWindmillWindmill GroveWindmill LaneWindmill RoadWindsor PlaceWindsor RoadWindsor StreetWindsor TerraceWindwhistle FarmWindy Harbour LaneWinterford RoadWinton DriveWithingtonWithy CloseWithycombe PlaceWolfe RdWolridge RoadWolsey RoadWolverhampton Bus Station (Stand U)Woodberry WalkWoodbines Avenue (Stop Un)Woodbine StreetWoodend LaneWoodend MillWoodhall ParadeWoodlands AvenueWoodlands DriveWoodlands RoadWoodlands StreetWoodlands WayWood LaneWoodlea CourtWoodman AvenueWoodmere AvenueWoodpecker JunctionWoodrow ChaseWoods AvenueWoodside AvenueWoods MountWoodstock StreetWood Top AvenueWoodvale AvenueWood ViewWoolpackWool RoadWorcester StreetWordsworth Avenue/Monteney RoadWordsworth RoadWordsworth WayWorrall Road/Laird RoadWorrall Road/Langsett AvenueWorrall Road/Prescott RoadWorrall Road/Vainor RoadWorrall Road/Wadsley LaneWorsted GreenWrabness WayWragby Road EastWrens NestWright StreetWulfrun Centre (Stop Cg)Wyndale DriveWynford HouseWythenshawe Interchange (Stand F)Wyvern BarracksYetholm RoadYew Tree LaneYork CollegeYork Road Ind EstateYsgol BrynhyfrydYsgol Plas Brondyffryn High School Bus ParkYsgybor Wen CottagesZetland Avenue
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