Показывает автобусы, троллейбусы и трамваи через GPS
Показывает автобусы, троллейбусы и трамваи через GPS
Сервис показывает местонахождение автобусов, троллейбусов и трамваев через систему спутникового позиционирования GPS/ГЛОНАСС. Вы можете узнать где едет общественный транспорт и принять решение когда идти на остановку.
начало - конец / header / cause / effect | description |
- Detour - School Bus 654 - from Monday 2 September UNKNOWN_CAUSEUNKNOWN_EFFECT | <br><div id="component_1400138"><br><p>From Monday 2 September until further notice, school bus 654 will be detouring away from East Terrace, Atkin Street and Cudmore Terrace at Henely Beach due to roundabout works.</p><br><p>The Henley High School bus stop on Cudmore Tce will not be serviced, with passengers being redirected to Stop 24 Henley Beach Rd - South side.</p><br></div><br> Автобус 654 |
- Stop closure - Stop 15A Raglan Avenue Edwardstown - from Monday 9 September UNKNOWN_CAUSEUNKNOWN_EFFECT | <br><div id="component_1402603"><br><div id="component_1402603"><br><p>From first bus service, Monday 9 September until further notice, Stop 15A Raglan Ave - Both sides will be closed due to footpath works.</p><br><p>Route 190 passengers will be redirected to Stop 15B Raglan Ave - Both sides. </p><br><p>Route 241 passengers will be redirected to Stop 15 Towers Tce - Both sides.</p><br></div><br></div><br> Автобус 241AАвтобус 241Автобус 190 |
- Detour - Main South Road Sellicks Beach - from Sunday 29 September UNKNOWN_CAUSEUNKNOWN_EFFECT | <br><div id="component_1409351"><br><div id="component_1409351"><br><p>From Sunday 29 September until Monday 23 December, buses will be detoured away from a section of Main South Road, Sellicks Beach.</p><br><p>The following bus stops will be closed at all times during the dates listed above:</p><br><table border="1"><colgroup><col><col></colgroup><br><tbody><br><tr><br><td style="text-align: center;"><strong>Closed Stop</strong></td><br><td style="text-align: center;"><strong>Alternative Stop</strong></td><br></tr><br><tr><br><td style="text-align: center;">Stop 135 Sellicks Beach Rd – North side </td><br><td style="text-align: center;">Stop 140 Norman Victory Pde – East side</td><br></tr><br><tr><br><td style="text-align: center;">Stop 136 Sellicks Beach Rd – North side </td><br><td style="text-align: center;">Stop 140 Norman Victory Pde – East side</td><br></tr><br><tr><br><td style="text-align: center;">Stop 137 Perth Street – South side</td><br><td style="text-align: center;">Stop 140 Norman Victory Pde – East side</td><br></tr><br></tbody><br></table><br></div><br></div><br> Автобус 750AАвтобус 750 |
- Stop change - Flinders Medical Centre Interchange Stop Relocation - From Wednesday 9 October UNKNOWN_CAUSEUNKNOWN_EFFECT | <br><div id="component_1412348"><br><div id="component_1412348"><br><p>From first service Wednesday 9 October 2024, the bus stops at the current Flinders Medical Centre Interchange will close. All buses operating via Flinders Medical Centre will service new stops on Flinders Drive.</p><br><p>A map of the interchange is available here: <a href="https://adelaidemetro.com.au/__data/assets/pdf_file/0020/1412183/interchange_flinders_medical_centre_DD_09_24_web.pdf" target="_blank" rel="noopener">New Flinders Medical Centre Bus Interchange Map</a></p><br><p>New timetables were implemented on 25 August 2024 to accommodate this change. More details are available here: <a href="https://www.adelaidemetro.com.au/about-us/news/news-items/2024/flinders-medical-centre-interchange-changes" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Flinders Medical Centre Interchange changes</a>. There will be no further changes to timetables.</p><br></div><br></div><br> Автобус 600BАвтобус 601Автобус 601AАвтобус 601BАвтобус N721Автобус 719Автобус 101Автобус 721Автобус G10Автобус T721Автобус T722Автобус G20Автобус 720BАвтобус 955Автобус T723Автобус G21Автобус 300Автобус 961Автобус 300GАвтобус 300HАвтобус 300JАвтобус 320Автобус 972Автобус 600Автобус 721AАвтобус 600A |
- Detour - Hawker St Brompton Closed - From Monday 21 October 2024 UNKNOWN_CAUSEUNKNOWN_EFFECT | <br><div id="component_1417581"><br><p>From first service Monday 21 October 2024 until further notice (approximately 12 months), buses will detour away from a section of Hawker St and South Rd in both directions at all times.</p><br><p>The following stops will be closed, with buses servicing alternative stops on Torrens Rd.</p><br><p><strong>Routes 251, 252, 253, 254 & N254 travelling toward Mansfield Park & Port Adelaide</strong></p><br><table style="border-collapse: collapse; width: 100%; height: 117.563px;" border="1"><colgroup><col style="width: 49.9478%;"><col style="width: 49.9478%;"></colgroup><br><tbody><br><tr style="height: 19.5938px;"><br><td style="height: 19.5938px; text-align: center;"><strong>CLOSED STOP</strong></td><br><td style="height: 19.5938px; text-align: center;"><strong>SUGGESTED ALTERNATIVE STOP</strong></td><br></tr><br><tr style="height: 19.5938px;"><br><td style="height: 19.5938px; text-align: center;">Stop 11 Hawker St - South side</td><br><td style="height: 19.5938px; text-align: center;">Stop 10 Hawker St - South side</td><br></tr><br><tr style="height: 19.5938px;"><br><td style="height: 19.5938px; text-align: center;">Stop 12 Hawker St - South side</td><br><td style="height: 19.5938px; text-align: center;">Stop 10 Torrens Rd - South side</td><br></tr><br><tr style="height: 19.5938px;"><br><td style="height: 19.5938px; text-align: center;">Stop 13 Hawker St - South side</td><br><td style="height: 19.5938px; text-align: center;">Stop 11 Torrens Rd - South side</td><br></tr><br><tr style="height: 19.5938px;"><br><td style="height: 19.5938px; text-align: center;">Stop 14 Hawker St - South side</td><br><td style="height: 19.5938px; text-align: center;">Stop 12 Torrens Rd - South side</td><br></tr><br><tr style="height: 19.5938px;"><br><td style="height: 19.5938px; text-align: center;">Stop 15 South Rd - West side</td><br><td style="height: 19.5938px; text-align: center;">Stop 16 Torrens Rd - South side</td><br></tr><br></tbody><br></table><br><p><strong>Routes 251, 252, 253, 254 & N254 travelling toward City</strong></p><br><table style="border-collapse: collapse; width: 100%; height: 117.563px;" border="1"><colgroup><col style="width: 49.9478%;"><col style="width: 49.9478%;"></colgroup><br><tbody><br><tr style="height: 19.5938px;"><br><td style="height: 19.5938px; text-align: center;"><strong>CLOSED STOP</strong></td><br><td style="height: 19.5938px; text-align: center;"><strong>SUGGESTED ALTERNATIVE STOP</strong></td><br></tr><br><tr style="height: 19.5938px;"><br><td style="height: 19.5938px; text-align: center;">Stop 15 South Rd - East side</td><br><td style="height: 19.5938px; text-align: center;">Stop 16 Torrens Rd - North side</td><br></tr><br><tr style="height: 19.5938px;"><br><td style="height: 19.5938px; text-align: center;">Stop 14 Hawker St - North side</td><br><td style="height: 19.5938px; text-align: center;">Stop 12 Torrens Rd - North side</td><br></tr><br><tr style="height: 19.5938px;"><br><td style="height: 19.5938px; text-align: center;">Stop 13 Hawker St - North side</td><br><td style="height: 19.5938px; text-align: center;">Stop 11 Torrens Rd - North side</td><br></tr><br><tr style="height: 19.5938px;"><br><td style="height: 19.5938px; text-align: center;">Stop 12 Hawker St - North side</td><br><td style="height: 19.5938px; text-align: center;">Stop 10 Torrens Rd - North side</td><br></tr><br><tr style="height: 19.5938px;"><br><td style="height: 19.5938px; text-align: center;">Stop 11 Hawker St - North side</td><br><td style="height: 19.5938px; text-align: center;">Stop 10 Hawker St - North side</td><br></tr><br></tbody><br></table><br><p>Passengers should allow for additional travel time, and check the destination display on the front of the bus if catching a bus from an alternative bus stop as other routes also service these stops.</p><br><p>Hawker St will be closed due roadworks by City of Charles Sturt.</p><br></div><br> Автобус 254Автобус N254Автобус 251Автобус 252Автобус 253 |
- Detour and Stop Closures - Days Road Regency Park Closed - Saturday 26 October 24 UNKNOWN_CAUSEUNKNOWN_EFFECT | <br><div id="component_1421548"><br><p>Until further notice, on Saturday 26 October 2024, buses are detouring away from a section of Days Road due a SA Power Networks issue.</p><br><p>During this time the following bus stops will be closed and passengers will need to use the alternate bus stops below.</p><br><table style="border-collapse: collapse; width: 100%;" border="1"><colgroup><col style="width: 49.9478%;"><col style="width: 49.9478%;"></colgroup><br><tbody><br><tr><br><td><strong>Closed Bus Stop</strong></td><br><td><strong>Alternate Bus Stop</strong></td><br></tr><br><tr><br><td>Stop 33 Days Road - both directions</td><br><td>Stop 32 Days Road - both directions </td><br></tr><br><tr><br><td>Stop 34 Coker Street - both sides</td><br><td>Stop 35 Coker Street - both directions </td><br></tr><br></tbody><br></table><br></div><br> Автобус 239 |
- Stop change - Stop 10A Smith St - From Tuesday 29 October UNKNOWN_CAUSEUNKNOWN_EFFECT | <br><div id="component_1422004"><br><p>From first bus service Tuesday 29 October until further notice, Stop 10A Smith St - South West side will be relocated 150 metres south, due to footpath works.</p><br></div><br> Автобус 208BАвтобус 206Автобус 208NАвтобус 208 |
- Stop change - Stop 1 Port Rd - North side - From Friday 15 November UNKNOWN_CAUSEUNKNOWN_EFFECT | <br><div id="component_1425817"><br><p>From first bus service, Friday 15 November until further notice, Stop 1 Port Rd - North side will be relocated 200 metres east, due to construction works.</p><br><p> </p><br></div><br> Автобус 155Автобус 286Автобус 157Автобус 117Автобус 118Автобус 157XАвтобус 287Автобус 140Автобус 288Автобус 141Автобус 142Автобус 144Автобус 144GАвтобус 147Автобус 150 |
- Stop closure - Stop 2 Frome Rd - From Thursday 7 November UNKNOWN_CAUSEUNKNOWN_EFFECT | <br><div id="component_1426614"><br><div id="component_1426614"><br><p>From first service, Thursday 7 November until further notice, Stop 2 Frome Rd - South West side will be closed due to construction works. </p><br><p>Passengers are advised to use Stop 1A Frome Rd - West side until further notice.</p><br></div><br></div><br> Автобус 271Автобус 273 |
- Stop closure - Stop 7 Sir Donald Bradman Dr - From Friday 15 November UNKNOWN_CAUSEUNKNOWN_EFFECT | <br><div id="component_1427482"><br><p class="MsoNormal"><span style="font-size: 11.0pt; mso-ligatures: none; mso-fareast-language: EN-AU;">From first bus service, Friday 15 November until further notice, Stop 7 Sir Donald Bradman Dr – Both sides will be closed due to road works.</span></p><br><p><span style="font-size: 11.0pt; font-family: 'Aptos',sans-serif; mso-fareast-font-family: Aptos; mso-fareast-theme-font: minor-latin; mso-bidi-font-family: Aptos; mso-ansi-language: EN-AU; mso-fareast-language: EN-AU; mso-bidi-language: AR-SA;">Passengers are advised to use Stop 8 Sir Donald Bradman Dr – Both sides approximately 300 metres west.</span></p><br></div><br> Автобус J2GАвтобус J7Автобус J7MАвтобус J8Автобус 163Автобус J1Автобус J1AАвтобус J1GАвтобус J1TАвтобус J2 |
- Detour - Victoria Drive and Frome Road - 98A Services - From Monday 18 November UNKNOWN_CAUSEUNKNOWN_EFFECT | <br><div id="component_1429681"><br><p>From first service Monday 18 November, until further notice, 98A bus services will detour away from a section of Victoria Drive and Frome Road, North Adelaide at all times.</p><br><p>The following stops will be closed during the times listed above:</p><br><table border="1"><colgroup><col><col></colgroup><br><tbody><br><tr><br><td style="text-align: center;"><strong>CLOSED STOP</strong></td><br><td style="text-align: center;"><strong>SUGGESTED ALTERNATIVE STOP</strong></td><br></tr><br><tr><br><td style="text-align: center;">Stop 1 Victoria Dr - North side</td><br><td style="text-align: center;">Stop 1 Sir Edwin Smith Ave - North side</td><br></tr><br><tr><br><td style="text-align: center;">Stop 2 Frome Rd - South West side</td><br><td style="text-align: center;">Stop 2 Sir Edwin Smith Ave - West side</td><br></tr><br><tr><br><td style="text-align: center;">Stop 3 Mackinnon Pde - North side</td><br><td style="text-align: center;">Stop 2A Melbourne St - North West side</td><br></tr><br><tr><br><td style="text-align: center;">Stop 4 Jerningham St - West side</td><br><td style="text-align: center;">Stop 3A Melbourne St - North West side</td><br></tr><br></tbody><br></table><br></div><br> Автобус 98A |
- Detour - Golden Grove Interchange - From Tuesday 26 November UNKNOWN_CAUSEUNKNOWN_EFFECT | <br><div id="component_1432608"><br><p>From first bus service, Tuesday 26 November until Mid-January 2025, bus services exiting Golden Grove Interchange will be detouring via Helicon Drive due to intersection works at the Golden Way exit.</p><br><p>There will be no bus stops missed; however, passengers may experience some travel time delays.</p><br></div><br> Автобус J2GАвтобус 548Автобус 415Автобус 591CАвтобус M44Автобус 544XАвтобус C1Автобус 545Автобус 566Автобус C1XАвтобус J1Автобус C2Автобус J1AАвтобус 591AАвтобус J1GАвтобус N1Автобус 541Автобус J2 |
- Stop change - Stop 13 Glen Osmond Rd - South West side - From Monday 25 November UNKNOWN_CAUSEUNKNOWN_EFFECT | <br><div id="component_1434641"><br><div id="component_1434641"><br><p>Between 7:30am and 4:00pm, weekdays only from Monday 25 November until Friday 6 December, Stop 13 Glen Osmond Rd - South West side will be relocated 10 metres south due to shelter upgrade works.</p><br><p> </p><br></div><br></div><br> Автобус 865Автобус 841FАвтобус T842Автобус T863Автобус 830FАвтобус T800Автобус T801Автобус 860FАвтобус 861Автобус 863 |
- Stop change - Stop 28 Grange Rd - South side - From Friday 29 November UNKNOWN_CAUSEUNKNOWN_EFFECT | <br><div id="component_1434890"><br><p>From Friday 29 November, Stop 28 Grange Rd - South side will be permanently relocated 90 metres east. </p><br></div><br> Автобус 300JАвтобус 300MАвтобус 663Автобус 300Автобус 300HАвтобус 112 |
- Stop change - Stop 10 Smith St - North East side - From Friday 29 November UNKNOWN_CAUSEUNKNOWN_EFFECT | <br><div id="component_1435030"><br><p>From Friday 29 November until late 2025, Stop 10 Smith St - North East side will be relocated 40 metres south, due to building works. </p><br></div><br> Автобус 206Автобус 208Автобус 973 |
- Stop closure - Stop 43 Scholefield Rd - West side - From Monday 2 December UNKNOWN_CAUSEUNKNOWN_EFFECT | <br><div id="component_1436669"><br><p>From 8:00m Monday 2 December, until 4:00pm Wednesday 4 December, Stop 43 Scholefield Rd - West side will be closed due to works.</p><br><p>Passengers are advised to use Stop 43A Scholefield Rd - North side during the times listed above.</p><br></div><br> Автобус 640Автобус 784 |
- Rail closure - Full Outer Harbor - Port Dock and Grange Line Weekend Closure - Sat 14 to Sun 15 December UNKNOWN_CAUSEUNKNOWN_EFFECT | <br><div id="component_1436689"><br><p>Fron first service Saturday, 14 December to last service Sunday, 15 December 2024, the full Outer Habor, Port Dock and Grange rail lines will be closed.</p><br><p>This closure is for essential upgrades to the Jane Street, West Croydon pedestrian crossing to improve access and safety.</p><br><p>During the line closure, substitute bus services will replace all Outer Harbor train services between the Adelaide Railway Station and the Outer Harbor, Port Dock and Grange Railway Stations.</p><br><p>Passengers can find the substitute bus stop at the locations in the table below:</p><br><ul><br><li>H1 operates between Adelaide Railway Station and Outer Harbor and Port Dock Stations </li><br><li>G1 operates between Adelaide Railway Station and Grange Stations </li><br></ul><br><p> </p><br><table border="1"><colgroup><col><col><col></colgroup><br><tbody><br><tr><br><td><strong>Railway Station</strong></td><br><td><strong>Substitute bus stop location from Adelaide Railway Station to Outer Harbor / Port Dock and Grange Stations </strong></td><br><td><strong>Substitute bus stop location from Outer Harbor / Port Dock and Grange Stations to Adelaide Railway Station</strong></td><br></tr><br><tr><br><td>Adelaide Railway Station</td><br><td class="xl66" colspan="2" width="510" height="21">Stop W1 North Terrace </td><br></tr><br><tr><br><td class="xl66" width="295" height="21">Bowden Station</td><br><td class="xl66" width="260" height="21">Stop 6 Port Rd - south side</td><br><td class="xl66" width="250">Stop 6 Port Rd - north side</td><br></tr><br><tr><br><td class="xl66" height="21">Croydon Station</td><br><td class="xl66" height="21">Stop 10 Port Rd - south side </td><br><td class="xl66">Stop 10 Port Rd - north side </td><br></tr><br><tr><br><td class="xl66" height="21">West Croydon Station</td><br><td class="xl66" height="21">Stop 14 Port Rd -south side </td><br><td class="xl66">Stop 14 Port Rd - north side</td><br></tr><br><tr><br><td class="xl66" height="21">Kilkenny Station</td><br><td class="xl66" height="21">Stop 17 Port Rd - south side</td><br><td class="xl66">Stop 16 Port Rd - north side</td><br></tr><br><tr><br><td class="xl66" height="21">Woodville Park Station</td><br><td class="xl66" height="21">Stop 19 Port Rd - south side</td><br><td class="xl66">Stop 19 Port Rd - north side</td><br></tr><br><tr><br><td class="xl66" height="21">Woodville Station</td><br><td class="xl66" height="21">Temp Stop Woodville Rd - east side </td><br><td class="xl66">Temp Stop Woodville Rd - west side</td><br></tr><br><tr><br><td class="xl66" height="21">Albert Park Station</td><br><td class="xl66" height="21">Stop 28 West Lakes Bvd</td><br><td class="xl66">Stop 28 West Lakes Bvd</td><br></tr><br><tr><br><td class="xl66" height="21">Seaton Park Station</td><br><td class="xl66" height="21">Stop 29 Clark Tce </td><br><td class="xl66">Stop 29 Clark Tce </td><br></tr><br><tr><br><td class="xl66" height="21">East Grange Station</td><br><td class="xl66" height="21">Stop 30 Frederick Rd</td><br><td class="xl66">Stop 30 Frederick Rd</td><br></tr><br><tr><br><td class="xl66" height="21">Grange Station</td><br><td class="xl66" colspan="2" width="510" height="21">Stop 30A Military Rd</td><br></tr><br><tr><br><td class="xl66" height="21">St Clair Station</td><br><td class="xl66" width="260" height="21">Stop 29C Cheltenham Pde </td><br><td class="xl66" width="250">Stop 29C Cheltenham Pde </td><br></tr><br><tr><br><td class="xl66" height="21">Cheltenham Station</td><br><td class="xl66" height="21">Stop 27 Port Rd</td><br><td class="xl66">Stop 27 Port Rd</td><br></tr><br><tr><br><td class="xl66" height="21">Alberton Station</td><br><td class="xl66" height="21">Stop 33 Port Rd</td><br><td class="xl66">Stop 33 Port Rd</td><br></tr><br><tr><br><td class="xl66" height="21">Port Dock Station</td><br><td class="xl66" colspan="2" width="510" height="21">Zone A Port Dock Interchange</td><br></tr><br><tr><br><td class="xl66" height="21">Port Adelaide Station</td><br><td class="xl66" width="260" height="21">Temp Stop Baynes Pl</td><br><td class="xl66" width="250">Temp Stop Baynes Pl</td><br></tr><br><tr><br><td class="xl66" height="21">Ethelton Station</td><br><td class="xl66" height="21">Temp Stop Causeway Rd</td><br><td class="xl66">Temp Stop Causeway Rd</td><br></tr><br><tr><br><td class="xl67" height="21">Glanville Station</td><br><td class="xl67" height="21">Zone A Glanville Station</td><br><td class="xl67">Zone A Glanville Station</td><br></tr><br><tr><br><td class="xl67" height="21">Peterhead Station</td><br><td class="xl67" height="21">Temp Stop Mead St</td><br><td class="xl67">Temp Stop Mead St</td><br></tr><br><tr><br><td class="xl66" height="21">Largs Station</td><br><td class="xl66" height="21">Temp Stop Mead St</td><br><td class="xl66">Temp Stop Mead St</td><br></tr><br><tr><br><td class="xl66" height="21">Largs North Station</td><br><td class="xl66" height="21">Temp Stop Fletcher Rd </td><br><td class="xl66">Temp Stop Fletcher Rd </td><br></tr><br><tr><br><td class="xl66" height="21">Draper Station</td><br><td class="xl66" height="21">Temp Stop Railway Tce</td><br><td class="xl66">Temp Stop Railway Tce</td><br></tr><br><tr><br><td class="xl66" height="21">Taperoo Station</td><br><td class="xl66" height="21">Temp Stop Railway Tce </td><br><td class="xl66">Temp Stop Railway Tce </td><br></tr><br><tr><br><td class="xl66" height="21">Midlunga Station</td><br><td class="xl66" height="21">Temp Stop Railway Tce </td><br><td class="xl66">Temp Stop Railway Tce </td><br></tr><br><tr><br><td class="xl66" height="21">Osborne Station</td><br><td class="xl66" height="21">Stop 59 Military Rd</td><br><td class="xl66">Stop 59 Military Rd</td><br></tr><br><tr><br><td class="xl66" height="21">North Haven Station</td><br><td class="xl66" height="21">Stop 70 Lady Gowrie Dr</td><br><td class="xl66">Stop 70 Lady Gowrie Dr</td><br></tr><br><tr><br><td class="xl66" height="21">Outer Harbor Station</td><br><td class="xl66" colspan="2" width="510" height="21">Stop 66 Oliver Rogers Rd </td><br></tr><br></tbody><br></table><br><p> </p><br><p class="MsoNormal" style="mso-margin-top-alt: auto; mso-margin-bottom-alt: auto; text-align: justify; line-height: normal; tab-stops: 36.0pt;"><span style="mso-bidi-font-size: 12.0pt; mso-fareast-font-family: 'Times New Roman'; mso-bidi-font-family: Arial; mso-fareast-language: EN-AU; mso-bidi-font-weight: bold; mso-bidi-font-style: italic;">Adelaide Metro will always attempt to provide a frequency of service as outlined in the timetable however i</span><span style="font-family: Arial, sans-serif; font-size: 14.6667px;">t is acknowledged that as the substitute bus service cannot travel along a dedicated corridor and is subject to daily traffic conditions, longer travel times cannot be avoided. </span> Please plan ahead and allow for ample travel time. </p><br></div><br> Поезд OUTHAПоезд GRNGПоезд PTDOCK |
- Detour - North East Road - Tea Tree Gully - From Saturday 30 November UNKNOWN_CAUSEUNKNOWN_EFFECT | <br><div id="component_1436914"><br><p>Between 8:00pm and 6:00am, from Saturday 30 November until Tuesday 3 December, bus services will be detouring away from a section of North East Road due to infrastructure works.</p><br><p>Passengers are advised of the following stop closures during the times listed above:</p><br><table border="1"><colgroup><col><col></colgroup><br><tbody><br><tr><br><td style="text-align: center;"><strong>Closed Stop</strong></td><br><td style="text-align: center;"><strong>Alternative Stop</strong></td><br></tr><br><tr><br><td style="text-align: center;">Stop 51A North East Rd - South side</td><br><td style="text-align: center;">Stop 52 North East Rd - South side</td><br></tr><br><tr><br><td style="text-align: center;">Stop 51B North East Rd - South side</td><br><td style="text-align: center;">Stop 52 North East Rd - South side</td><br></tr><br><tr><br><td style="text-align: center;">Stop 51B North East Rd - North side</td><br><td style="text-align: center;">Stop 51A North East Rd - North side</td><br></tr><br><tr><br><td style="text-align: center;">Stop 50 Perseverance Rd - Both sides</td><br><td style="text-align: center;">Stop 49 Perseverance Rd - Both sides</td><br></tr><br></tbody><br></table><br></div><br> Автобус 557Автобус 557S |
- Detour - Daly Street Kurralta Park - From Wednesday 4 December UNKNOWN_CAUSEUNKNOWN_EFFECT | <br><div id="component_1437280"><br><div id="component_1437280"><br><p>Between 7:00am and 5:00pm, Wednesday 4 December until Thursday 12 December, bus services will be detouring away from Daly Street, Kurralta Park due to essential service works.</p><br><p>There will be no detours to bus services on Saturday 7 December or Sunday 8 December.</p><br><p>Passengers are advised to use the following alternative stops during the times listed above:</p><br><table border="1"><br><tbody><br><tr><br><td style="text-align: center;"><strong>Closed Bus Stop</strong></td><br><td style="text-align: center;"><strong>Suggested Alternative Stop</strong></td><br></tr><br><tr><br><td style="text-align: center;">Stop 7 Gray St - Both sides</td><br><td style="text-align: center;">Stop 8 Beckman St - Both sides or Stop 6 Anzac Hwy - Both sides</td><br></tr><br><tr><br><td style="text-align: center;">Stop 6A Gray St - Both sides</td><br><td style="text-align: center;">Stop 8 Beckman St - Both sides or Stop 6 Anzac Hwy - Both sides</td><br></tr><br><tr><br><td style="text-align: center;">Stop 6 Daly St - Both sides</td><br><td style="text-align: center;">Stop 8 Beckman St - Both sides or Stop 6 Anzac Hwy - Both sides</td><br></tr><br><tr><br><td style="text-align: center;">Stop 5A Daly St - Both sides</td><br><td style="text-align: center;">Stop 8 Beckman St - Both sides or Stop 6 Anzac Hwy - Both sides</td><br></tr><br><tr><br><td style="text-align: center;">Stop 5 Tennyson St - Both sides</td><br><td style="text-align: center;">Stop 4A South Rd - Both sides</td><br></tr><br><tr><br><td style="text-align: center;">Stop 4A Beauchamp St - Both sides</td><br><td style="text-align: center;">Stop 4A South Rd - Both sides</td><br></tr><br></tbody><br></table><br></div><br></div><br> Автобус 241AАвтобус 241 |
- Detour - Grant Avenue - Rose Park - Thursday 5 December UNKNOWN_CAUSEUNKNOWN_EFFECT | <br><div id="component_1437559"><br><p>Between 7:00am and 5:00pm, Thursday 5 December, bus services will be detoured away from Grant Avenue, Rose Park due to road works. </p><br><p>The following bus stops will not be serviced during the times listed above:</p><br><table border="1"><colgroup><col><col></colgroup><br><tbody><br><tr><br><td style="text-align: center;"><strong>Closed Bus Stop</strong></td><br><td style="text-align: center;"><strong>Suggested Alternate Bus Stop</strong></td><br></tr><br><tr><br><td style="text-align: center;">Stop 1 Fullarton Rd - Both sides</td><br><td style="text-align: center;">Stop 1 Kensington Rd - Both sides</td><br></tr><br><tr><br><td style="text-align: center;">Stop 1A Fullarton Rd - Both sides</td><br><td style="text-align: center;">Stop 1 Kensington Rd - Both sides</td><br></tr><br><tr><br><td style="text-align: center;">Stop 2 Fullarton Rd - East side</td><br><td style="text-align: center;">Stop 1 Kensington Rd - Both sides</td><br></tr><br><tr><br><td style="text-align: center;">Stop 2 Grant Ave - South side</td><br><td style="text-align: center;">Stop 1 Kensington Rd - Both sides</td><br></tr><br><tr><br><td style="text-align: center;">Stop 3 Grant Ave - Both sides</td><br><td style="text-align: center;">Stop 2 Kensington Rd - Both sides</td><br></tr><br><tr><br><td style="text-align: center;">Stop 4 Grant Ave - Both sides</td><br><td style="text-align: center;">Stop 3 Kensington Rd - Both sides</td><br></tr><br><tr><br><td style="text-align: center;">Stop 5 Grant Ave - Both sides</td><br><td style="text-align: center;">Stop 4 Kensington Rd - Both sides</td><br></tr><br><tr><br><td style="text-align: center;">Stop 6 Grant Ave - Both sides</td><br><td style="text-align: center;">Stop 5 Kensington Rd - Both sides</td><br></tr><br><tr><br><td style="text-align: center;">Stop 7 Grant Ave - Both sides</td><br><td style="text-align: center;">Stop 6 Kensington Rd - Both sides</td><br></tr><br></tbody><br></table><br></div><br> Автобус 144Автобус 144G |
- Stop closure - Stop 5A and 5B Greenhill Rd - South side - From Friday 6 December UNKNOWN_CAUSEUNKNOWN_EFFECT | <br><div id="component_1437877"><br><p>From 7:00pm, Friday 6 December, until 11:00pm, Saturday 7 December, Stop 5A and 5B Greenhill Rd - South side will be closed due to works.</p><br><p>Passengers are advised to use either Stop O2 Hutt Rd - West side or Stop 3 Dulwich Ave - South side during the times listed above.</p><br></div><br> Автобус 147 |
- Stop closure - Stop V3 Currie St - South side - Wednesday 4 December UNKNOWN_CAUSEUNKNOWN_EFFECT | <br><div id="component_1437889"><br><p>Between 8:00pm and last bus service, Wednesday 4 December, Stop V3 Currie St - South side will be closed due to service works. </p><br><p>Impacted bus services will use Stop V1 Currie St - South side during the times listed above.</p><br></div><br> Автобус 157Автобус 117Автобус 118Автобус 167Автобус 168Автобус 110Автобус 150B |
время | маршруты |